7 Weekly Webinar Presentations
$329 value

7 "Daily Meditation" Audios
$189 value

21 Recorded Q&A sessions(3 per week)
$329 value

The Full Email Course
$57 value

The Full Digital Workbook
$47 value

1 Year of Access to the Facebook Community Forum
$46 value

All three BONUS workshops
$141 value
So go ahead and click one of the orange "Add to Cart" buttons below to get started

"The impact that the 7-Week Weight Loss and Body Confidence Program had on my life was incredible!"
"The impact that the 7-Week Weight Loss and Body Confidence (WL&BC) Program had on my life was incredible! I have struggled for over 15 years with weight fluctuations and emotional issues surrounding food and body image. Through the WL&BC Program, I was able to discover the root cause of my eating/body issues and understand how to move forward.Not only is there a physical transformation, but also a significant emotional weight loss as well…”
Christine Haskin

"I stopped the trajectory of weight gain I was on..."
"Thanks to Jessica’s program, I'm continuing on my life-long healing journey, supplied now with amazing skillful means, wisdom, and an ongoing Facebook community. I am more loving and accepting of myself, and slowly, my harmful, unhealthy behaviors from the past 60 years are changing.I stopped the trajectory of weight gain I was on (for about the thirtieth time in my life) and I really enjoy carrying out my new exercise program - combining yoga, dance, swimming and walking - because I want to!!! My clothes are starting to feel more comfortable, and I am confident that over time, these changes will deepen and broaden, and I will continue to manifest this inner work in a fitter healthier, more flexible body. I love Jessica Ortner and I will always be grateful for her work and it's impact on my life. "
Terry Nicholetti

"There are tons of emotional memories that subconsciously influenced my daily habits, my eating habits, my whole way of approaching life"
"Since I am not overweight I didn’t sign up for the Weight Loss part of Jessica’s program, but more for the Body Confidence part. The Weight Loss and Body Confidence Program was a huge help in finding my balance again…The program was an even bigger help in digging up old emotions from childhood, which had a big influence in my current life. There are tons of emotional memories that subconsciously influenced my daily habits, my eating habits, my whole way of approaching life. I’d say here is where the biggest shift happened and I am truly grateful for every tear I shed.
Last, but not least, there is that loving and helpful Tapping Community. They are on the same wave and there is so much understanding and love…truly amazing.
Jessica and her team are a blessing. They were there helping and supporting every struggling member, answering patiently every question and spreading their love and wisdom wherever needed. "
Lena Grogg

"What I discovered was far more powerful than I ever expected..."
"What I discovered was far more powerful than I ever expected. Who knew that I literally had a tool right at my fingertips to shift me into an energy space that allows me to make choices based on what is right for ME?With Jessica’s guidance and unconditional support, I not only learned how to tap, I was able to use this incredible technique to uncover the old tapes and internal conversations that were holding me back. I realized I believed the messages from others about aging and their "shoulds" around how I ate, how I exercised and how my body was going to react as I got older. I was able to shift into a place of even deeper exploration, empowerment and love. I am again in control of my choices as I move into the next great phase of me!!!
I highly recommend this program to any woman who is looking to explore ways to bring greater self- love and care into her life!!!”
Emily Loewenstein

Here's what Dr. Joseph Mercola has to say about the effectiveness of using EFT for food cravings and weight loss:
"If you are seeking sweets or grains because of an emotional challenge, you will want to consider using the simple and effective psychological acupressure technique, EFT, to rapidly help you control your emotional food cravings.Many people don't understand that emotional well-being is essential to their physical health. In fact, in terms of dieting for weight loss, not addressing emotional issues -- whether small or serious traumas from the past -- is the primary reason that most people who lose weight often fail at keeping the weight off."
Dr. Joseph Mercola

Here's what health expert Jon Gabriel, who lost over 220 pounds in his own weight loss journey, has to say about the effectiveness of Tapping for weight loss:
"At least 80% of the people I work with who are overweight have emotional or past trauma challenges contributing to their weight gain. Tapping is one of the simplest, most-effective tools anyone can use to immediately start seeing results."Jon Gabriel

Here's what Kris Carr, New York Times Best-Selling Author has to say about the importance of using EFT for weight loss...
"Habits are hard to break because they're our neuro-pathways. What Tapping does is it helps to rewire those pathways so that we can break some of those habits that are so ingrained in us, that keep us on the hamster wheel, that keep us hitting the sugar button, or the cookie button, or whatever it is that we're using to numb out."Kris Carr

7 Weekly Webinar Presentations
$329 value

7 "Daily Meditation" Audios
$189 value

21 Recorded Q&A sessions(3 per week)
$329 value

The Full Email Course
$57 value

The Full Digital Workbook
$47 value

1 Year of Access to the Facebook Community Forum
$46 value

All three BONUS workshops
$141 value
So go ahead and click one of the orange "Add to Cart" buttons below to get started
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After you order, you
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members only area.
You will also receive
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access at any time.

Once you log in to
the members area
you'll get access to
your three special
bonuses to enjoy
until the course
starts on Monday.

While not a
requirement of the
program, we do
encourage you to
join the private
Facebook group
designed to support
you with this

Mark your calendar
and then make sure
to join us on
Monday for the
beginning of the 7
week program!
Clinical Trial Success: How Brain Scans Are Showing That Tapping Rewires the Brain!
In doing this study, Dr. Stapleton wanted to find out whether tapping affects weight loss and food cravings, and if so, how effective it is. Because of the weight loss success she and her team had documented in study participants, Dr. Stapleton had actually released some of her ndings to the international medical community before they were scheduled to be published.
All of the 89 women in her controlled study were between 31 and 56 years old, and had a body mass index (BMI) that qualified them as being obese. Over an eight-week period, they completed approximately two hours of tapping per week, which averages out to just over 15 minutes per day. Just by doing the tapping—without dieting or exercise—participants lost an average of 16 pounds by the end of the study!
While Dr. Stapleton expected that participants would lose weight from doing the tapping, she admits to being surprised by how much weight these women lost. What's even more exciting is that the weight loss they achieved during the initial eight weeks seemed to last for six or more months afterward, even though most of the study participants stopped tapping once the initial eight- week period ended.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I don't know how to do Tapping. Is this program still for me?

"I am in week 7. I have lost 10 lbs so far!"
"But the biggest aha moments for me were:1: Finding pleasure in other things besides food (huge! I no longer have cravings!)
2: Loving myself anyway no matter how I feel about myself sometimes (people have noticed I look happier)
3: Tapping (meditation) are a must every day
4: Working out to Erin Stutland is fun and affirming & I now crave exercise!
I am grateful for this program & plan on keeping it up!
Kate K.

90 Day "Get Results or Your Money Back" Guarantee
If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect... or want... to keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 90 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!

*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique ("EFT") which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not full known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using EFT as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use EFT is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.
The information on this website and that you receive in The Tapping Solution Weight Loss & Body Confidence 7-Week Program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a nutritionist, physician or other qualified professional and is not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, dietary advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of The Tapping Solution Weight Loss & Body Confidence 7-Week Program, and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make your own nutritional and health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified professional.
For support, please contact: Contact@TheTappingSolution.com
The information on this website and that you receive in The Tapping Solution Weight Loss & Body Confidence 7-Week Program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a nutritionist, physician or other qualified professional and is not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, dietary advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of The Tapping Solution Weight Loss & Body Confidence 7-Week Program, and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make your own nutritional and health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified professional.