A Worldwide Online Event on EFT Tapping

Join 20 of the World's Leading Personal Development and Health Experts in this FREE Online Event as They Show you Step by Step How to Use a Technique Known as "Tapping" to Improve Your Finances, Health, Emotions and Much More...

This event is 100% content only and 100% free to attend during the 10 days of the event (Starting Nov. 4th). Sign up now to get free access...

Free Event Registration Enter your name & email address to take part in the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit, with Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner, and the entire Tapping Solution Team.
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What's possible for you?

Most people go through their entire lives thinking that having a different and better life isn't possible. They deal day to day with health challenges, emotional challenges and financial challenges and feel that their current situation is the best that they can have and that they just "are who they are" and are stuck with what they have.

Now I know that if you're reading this page that you're already past that place, that you're already searching for solutions and ways to improve your life because you've opened up to the possibility. The question is...has what you've been doing so far been working? Do you have everything you want in your life? And most importantly, do you even BELIEVE that having anything you want in life is possible?

Well I'm here to tell you something that I know to be true from the core of who I am because it's been the case in my own life and in the lives of others around me. Contrary to what most people think...

Overcoming emotional and physical challenges doesn't have to be difficult.

Now if your life isn't the way you want it to be and you've been trying to change that comment may push some buttons for you. And in the past it would have done the same for me...up until the day that I learned about Tapping...

You see there's a reason why experts like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Jack Canfield, Kris Carr, Bob Proctor, Cheryl Richardson, Bruce Lipton, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola and so many others have come out in support of Tapping...and it's a simple reason, because it works. These experts aren't just casually saying they think it's "ok"... they're saying that they use and fully endorse it as a powerful tool for creating the life you want.

And the truth is that the reason we all search around on the web, listening to experts, reading emails, browsing through websites and reviewing personal development information is because we want to create the life of our dreams.

The Tapping World Summit is a way for you to improve the quality of your life in a tangible and real way...

And by a "real" way what I mean is we want to actually SEE that we're making more money, or FEEL that we're happier than we've ever been before, or actually BE in a relationship with the type of person we've always wanted. We're all looking for real things to come into our lives so that we can say..."yeah, this really made my life better."

Well I have good news for you. :) Seriously, it's very good news...

The great thing about Tapping is that it's been proven, over and over again, to work on a huge variety of things. In fact the list of things that it works on is so big that when it comes to Tapping people generally say to "Try It On Everything."

Tapping works on so many things because it's been scientifically proven to re-wire the brain.

So what does Tapping work on? Well that list is extremely long but here are some of the things that it's been shown to help with: attracting more money into your life, providing relief from chronic pain, eliminating emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases as well as helping people clear the limiting beliefs that are holding them back from attracting what they want.

But wait, we're just getting to the really good news...

For 10 consecutive days you'll be able to learn how to use EFT and actually implement it in your own life so that you can actually SEE and FEEL real results.

And the best part is you'll be able to do it all... For FREE!

So are you ready to explore the possibilities of what your life can be like? Are you ready to see REAL results in your life? Then go ahead and reserve your spot for the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit by entering your name and email below.

When you do you're also going to get access to:

* 2 Bonus Video Interviews on Tapping with Peta Stapleton and David Feinstein that will explain this powerful technique (exactly how to do it), the science behind why it works and how you can quickly and easily implement this technique in to your life.

Here's what supporters of The Tapping World Summit have to say about Tapping...

"Put away the skepticism, this really works. I have worked with Nick Ortner and had great results with Tapping in my own life"
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Internationally renowned author and speaker, often called the "father of motivation"
Recognize an Expert? Click on their picture below to see what they have to say.
Free Event Registration Enter your name & email address to take part in the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit, with Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner, and the entire Tapping Solution Team.
Optional: I would like to receive SMS text reminders

By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Hear What Past Summit Attendees Have to Say!

Another mind-blowing session. I am so grateful for this Tapping World Summit.

Every presentation adds another piece of information to the puzzle I have been trying to understand for years, and each time I tap along with Jessica and the presenters I shift a little more. Today it was like all of the sessions came together and I felt (in my body, my heart and my soul) a release, and then a profound settling of understanding and clarity, like everything just clicked. Like I have an entirely new window through which I am viewing myself, the world, and the reality of nature. WOO HOO!!!!!
Michelle Mattingly, Incline Village, NV

I have to buy the complete summit. I need to listen to this and others over again!

I have today purchased the full package as I know I need to continue. So happy thanks to you all.

This was the deciding presentation (After listening to Dr. Kim D'Eramo's Day 8 presentation). I have to buy the complete summit. I need to listen to this and others over again! Thank you all!
Kandi Eden, British Columbia, Canada

Just wanted to send you a great big cyber hug and tons of appreciation for this program. It is SO important.

I've been tapping since 2001. Listening tonight to Gene Monterastelli interview was what motivated me to buy the full program. His approach was just enough different that it really resonated and has already helped me with some current anger issues! So thanks Gene! And thanks to you and Jessica and all the presenters and people who helped put this together.
Christofer Aven, Hayward, California

The tapping is brilliant. I tap with all the presentations regardless of what they are for and after feeling at a dead end I am beginning to feel light and free.

I have today purchased the full package as I know I need to continue. So happy thanks to you all.

Also, before I started tapping I would have minded making the testimonial and picture public but now I please feel free to use my comments because I feel wonderful and I don't need to hide myself away now. Thank you so much I had almost given up hope!
Janey Dudley, Nottingham, UK

The world summit is mind blowing again! So glad I invested in the gold package so I can listen to the audios again and again.

Its only day 3 and what shifts I am feeling already. I listened and tapped today on all of the day one talks on the world summit and OMG the rush of confidence I have got today is huge. I have bought the the 2016 gold package and instantly my email box is flooded with great teachers and teachings. I almost feel overwhelmed by such a gift (will tap on that ha ha ). The world summit is mind blowing again. All the teachers are amazing. I listened to Margaret Lynch about 6 times today and tapped. So glad I invested in the gold package so I can listen to the audios again and again.
Dawn Power

Now that I have upgraded, I have the amazing opportunity to refer back to the sessions at a later date. The upgrade is so worth it!

This is absolutely amazing, Nick. I just wasn't expecting the absolute relief I felt. In all three sessions, the moment we started tapping on the side of the hand, I started sobbing, and sobbing. But by the end of each session, I felt so relieved, until by the end of the third session, when I was finding the energy leaks to manifesting my best self, I think that for the first time in my life, I felt REAL JOY, REAL PEACE. I am sure that so many people will be equally blessed by this summit.
Margaret Reece

During this life-changing event, you'll be guided through 10 powerful days of presentations on a variety of topics:

Day 1

Creating Emotional Balance: How to Consistently Process and Release Negative Emotions and Shift Towards Positive Emotions That Bring Inner Peace

Nick Ortner
The Energy of Emotions: How To Release Stressful Emotions and Cultivate Empowering Ones
Learn More
Cheryl Richardson
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times: How Tapping Can Help Restore Your Inner Balance
Learn More

Day 2

Reclaiming Your Power: From Feeling Defeated to Feeling Strong, Empowered and Unstoppable!

Iyanla Vanzant
Reclaim Your Power - Use Tapping to go from feeling defeated to strong and empowered
Learn More
Marie Forleo
How to Be Unstoppable: How to Finally Take Action on Your Big Dreams
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Day 3

Balancing Your Body: How to Use Tapping to Release Pain, Boost Your Immune System and Create Lasting Health

Dawson Church
Tapping To Boost Your Immune System: Ignite Your Body's Healing Mechanisms
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Dr. Kim D'Eramo
What's Under That Pain and Chronic Illness? Uncovering the Hidden Messages of Your Symptoms to Find Relief
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Day 4

Loving Yourself: Using Tapping to Create True Self Love That Leads to a Healthier Mind and Body

Kris Carr
Loving Yourself To Better Health: How To Find Inner Peace in the Midst of Health Challenges
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Brad Yates
How To Release Resistance to Self Love and Acceptance: Break Free From Inner Blocks that Keep You Stuck
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Day 5

Reclaim Your Life: Finding Joy and Hope After Adversity

Karen Ortner
Picking Up the Pieces: How to Use Tapping To Become Whole After a Childhood of Trauma and Abuse
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Scarlett Lewis
Tapping For Forgiveness: How Releasing Our Deepest Wounds Can Help Us Find Inner Freedom
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Day 6

Lifting the Fog: How to Use Tapping to Move Through and Out of Tough Emotions Like Grief and Depression

Damon Silas
Tapping to Find Relief From Unresolved Grief: How to Befriend Your Grief to Make Room for Love, Joy and Hope
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Mary Ayers
Lifting the Fog of Depression with Tapping: Letting the Sun Shine again!
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Day 7

Performing at Your Best: Using Tapping to Shift Your Identity, Habits, and Energy to Get More Done

Alex Ortner
Believe in Yourself! How to Use Tapping to Shift Your Internal Identity So You Finally Do the Things You Want to Do
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Brendon Burchard
Using Tapping To Wire In High Performance Habits: How To Get The Clarity and Energy You Need To Move Forward
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Day 8

Shifting the Everyday Emotions: How to Use Tapping to Shift Two of Life’s Most Frequently Felt Emotions - Anxiety and Overwhelm

Catherine Nyika
Tapping to Release Anxiety: How to Help Your Mind and Body Finally Relax
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Carol Look
From Overwhelm to Clarity: How to use Tapping to Overcome Worry and Doubt and Make the Right Decisions for You!
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Day 9

Unlocking Your Abundance: Releasing Stress, Shame, and Feeling of Being Not Enough to Create Abundance

Margaret Lynch Raniere
How To Release Stress and Shame and Bust through your Money blocks with Tapping!
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Abiola Abrams
Claim Your Self Worth! How To Release Feelings of "Not Enough" with Tapping and Unlock Abundant Possibilities
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Day 10

Maximizing Your Energy, Focus, and Productivity: How to Use Tapping to Sleep Better, Be More Focused and Maximize Your Productivity

Jim Kwik
Tapping for Focus and Productivity: Bring Out Your Inner Genius To Get The Right Things Done and Enjoy The Process!
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Julie Schiffman
Tapping for Restful and Restorative Sleep: Sleep Deeper and Feel More Rested Than Ever Before!
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Bonus Day

Integration Day / Bonus Day

Jessica Ortner
Integration Process
Learn More
Jessica Ortner
Personal Peace Procedure
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Daily Presentations

Day 1
Peta Stapleton
The Latest Science and Research Behind EFT Tapping
Learn More
Day 2
Donna Eden
Expanded Energy Medicine Techniques: How To Incorporate Other Powerful Techniques Into Your Practice
Learn More
Day 6
Ryan Haddon
Feeling Safe, Seen and Heard Within your Relationships
Learn More
Day 10
David Feinstein
How Tapping Changes the Brain: the Latest Research
Learn More

Register Right Now to Get Immediate Access to the Two Pre-Event Videos!

Free Event Registration Enter your name & email address to take part in the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit, with Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner, and the entire Tapping Solution Team.
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By submitting this form you agree to receive email updates from The Tapping Solution. Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

If you have any questions, please email us at

*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique ("EFT") which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not full known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using EFT as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use EFT is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.

The information presented on this website, including introducing EFT, is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. The Tapping Solution, LLC, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, EFT demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.
The 2024 Tapping World Summit Video Series: Featuring Nick Ortner, Louise Hay, and More! Learn About The Tapping World Summit
© 2024 The Tapping Solution LLC, 2024 Annual Tapping World Summit
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Wait, You’ll Want This...

If you’re like most people, you’re likely dealing with higher levels of stress, anxiety and overwhelm than you want. And it’s affecting your health, finances and happiness in bigger ways than you realize. The Tapping World Summit will show you step-by-step how to using the tapping technique to rewire the way your brain reacts to the outside world, allowing you to improve your life in a big way.

Make the time to attend this FREE event, because it only happens once a year for 10 days.
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