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How to Tap - with Jessica Ortner

Here is the full list of modules you'll find in
The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders

Introduction and Overview In this introductory session you will learn:
  • What causes an autoimmune disorder, and why it affects you not only physically, but also emotionally.
  • The importance of creating a powerful relationship with your body that will lead you to quickly experience extraordinary results.
  • How your patterns of thinking and believing actually produce chemical reactions in your body, that then affect your nervous system, your digestive system, your endocrine system, your hormone production, your energy level, your balance, and how these things immediately and directly impact your immune system.
  • How you can use EFT Tapping to quickly and painlessly shift your emotions, and create a powerful point of leverage to release the imbalance in your immune system.
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Breaking Free From the Vicious Cycle of Anger, Frustration and Hopelessness In this first module you will learn:
  • What an autoimmune illness really is, how Dr. Kim views it differently from other doctors, and what to look for in a medical doctor when you need help.
  • Why it is so important to look at the feelings and emotions that we experience around the autoimmune disorder, and not just the symptoms.
  • What it means to have a healthy relationship with an autoimmune disorder and with your symptoms, and how to use tapping to create that, and to look at your body as an ally, not an enemy. PLUS, some great tapping protocols to use!
  • That we tend to have our own "story" when it comes to struggling with physical pain, how that story can impact your ability to heal, and how tapping will help you re-write the story.
  • The key questions that you must ask yourself if you are to gain clarity about the unconscious blocks that may be preventing you from making a recovery.
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Family Patterns Contribute to Your Health, Just Not In The Ways You've Been Told In this powerful second module you will learn:
  • Why and how the culture in which you grew up, and the people who surround you, can have a severe impact on your health.
  • The powerful questions you need to ask yourself to figure out whether you are taking on someone else's limiting beliefs, and how that may be impacting your health.
  • How to use tapping on the energy of your family, the pressures and the expectations, so that you can step out of those patterns and find rapid relief.
  • How financial insecurity can have an enormous impact on your health, and how to use tapping to release those preconceived ideas and beliefs.
  • The perceived impact of family inheritance or genetic predispositions, and how "the story" behind your identity can actually affect the expression of your genes, both for better and for worse.
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The Impact That Being Sensitive To Other People's Energies And Emotions Can Have On Your Immune System In this eye-opening third module you will learn:
  • How other people - your parents, your spouse, your boss, your friends, and even your children - may be affecting your immune system and, most importantly, what to do about it.
  • What it means to be highly sensitive to the energies of other people, and how this can correlate to an autoimmune imbalance.
  • What impact your ability to say "no" and to set boundaries has on your energy and even on your immune system.
  • How to use tapping to release the stranglehold of other people's energies, and open yourself up to allowing more joy and freedom into your life.
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A Whole New Way of Looking at Improving Your Health Through Nutrition and Exercise In this insightful final module you will learn:
  • How to make better choices by developing the awareness, the inner guidance, to know the difference between what serves you, and what deteriorates your health.
  • The key that makes Dr. Kim's nutrition and exercise advice so different from everything you have been taught in the past.
  • Why it's important to just move your body, and how a simple technique can begin to relieve the symptoms that come with an autoimmune disorder.
  • Simple guidelines to help you see your nutrition and exercise choices as ways to love and nurture yourself, instead of things you "have to do."
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Bonuses, Transcripts & Extra Goodies!
Five Tapping Meditation Downloads that you can listen to anywhere!

As you give a voice to your feelings while stimulating the acupressure points, you're sending a calming signal to the brain, letting it know that even though you have these thoughts, these fears, it is safe to relax. And when you can think about stressful thoughts, but feel relaxed in your body, those thoughts don't have the same power over you. It becomes easier to let them go and have a more positive experience, to be able to think more clearly about the things that are concerning you.
»A Guided Tapping Meditation to Release All of Your "What If" Thoughts Around Starting The Program
This tapping meditation was designed to relieve any anxiety you have around starting this program. Remember that when we begin to take care of our emotional health, taking care of our physical issues becomes much easier.
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»A Guided Tapping Meditation to Clear Financial Beliefs That Impact Your Health
This tapping meditation is designed to help you begin to clear any financial beliefs that may be impacting your health, and to release the financial pressure so that you can feel empowered, so you can think clearly and act clearly.
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»A Guided Tapping Meditation to Support You in Befriending Your Body
This tapping meditation was designed to help you befriend your body. Constant criticism doesn't create an environment where your body can thrive. We cannot hate our bodies to health. True change begins with self-love and self-care, and knowing that no matter how your body feels, you will be there to love and support it.
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»A Guided Tapping Meditation to Let Go of That "Perfect" Diet so You Can Eat to Honor Your Body
This tapping meditation is designed to help you look at your relationship with food and healthy eating habits in a whole new way, making healthy choices easier and more pleasurable.
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»A Guided Tapping Meditation to Create Healthy Boundaries so You Can Feel More Comfortable Saying No
Creating a healthy relationship with boundaries is necessary for your good health. If you don't learn how to say "no", your body will say "no" for you. This tapping meditation was designed to help you feel more comfortable saying "no".
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Workbook and Tapping Points Cheat Sheet

Special Gift - THREE Audio Bonuses!

»Tapping into Your Healing Power: How a Body Breakdown Can Lead to a Breakthrough with Julie Schiffman
  • Why you literally can't have pain without an emotion attached to it, and how to discover what that emotion is and where it originates
  • How to listen to the messages that your body is sending you about your emotional health, and how it relates to your physical ailments
  • The three things you must do to ensure success in obtaining relief from your physical ailments
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»The Power to Truly Transform: Self-Acceptance and Self-Love as Gateways to Healing with Gwenn Bonnell
  • The importance of the setup statement in the tapping process
  • What to do when you're scared of accepting yourself and don't think it will help
  • How to take back your power and honor the way you feel
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»Tapping Into Self-Care: Finding the Power to Say No to Others and Yes to Yourself with Cheryl Richardson
  • How to find the astonishingly easy way to have difficult conversations with those you love and work with
  • How to create the personal space you need in your life to flourish
  • How to tap away the clutter in your home, work and heart to make room for miracles
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All materials provided for The Tapping Solution For Autoimmune Disorders Program are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical/psychological advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a psychological or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed on or through any portion of The Tapping Solution For Autoimmune Disorders Program.


Links to Other Sites
The Tapping Solution For Autoimmune Disorders Program may provide links to other sites on the World Wide Web for the convenience of users in locating practitioners, workshops, products, information, and services related to Tapping. These sites are maintained by third parties over whom the owners of The Tapping Solution exercise no control. Accordingly, the owners of The Tapping Solution For Autoimmune Disorders Program expressly disclaim any responsibility for the content, the accuracy of the information, and/or quality of products or services provided by or advertised on these third party websites.