by Jessica Ortner

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Our chakras hold “programs” that we’ve inherited from our family system. These old, unbalanced “scripts” or beliefs can be cleared and shifted to a new energy of vitality and prosperity. Even if you are skeptical about the chakra system, you will still get so much from this interview. Carol’s teaching is very timely with what’s happening the world today and in our day to day lives. Her relatable teaching approach to our energy system will help to explain some of the challenges that we are faced with so often in today’s world. Find out how each chakra influences you and how to shift the energy to work for you AND learn what energy center just may be the most misused chakra in the modern world. We’ll even do some tapping combined with an energy healing chakra exercise! You won’t want to miss this!

About Carol:
Carol Tuttle is a teacher, speaker, energy healer, best-selling author of five books, and pioneer in the field of personal development. For over 25 years, she has supported millions worldwide with her life-changing books and online courses. She sees humanity shifting to a higher consciousness and feels called to help people create more intentional lives and fulfilling relationships. Find out more about Carol or check out her Facebook and Instagram

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