Thank you for ordering a copy of my latest book "Manifesting Your Greatest Self" -
your bonuses are below
Bonus #1:
"The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self" stage presentation from Hay House's I Can Do It Conference
Download the audio
Download the transcript
What you'll learn in this presentation:
- What it means to manifest your greatest self
- How to get what you want and what's stopping you from attaining it
- The 3 steps to manifesting your greatest self
- How to overcome the belief of "I'm not good enough"
- How to turn your "failures" into stepping stones to developing your greatest self
- Step-by-step instructions on how to do the Tapping technique
- How to use Tapping to calm anxiety, clean up your past, and create the future you desire (Nick will take you through a powerful Tapping process)
Bonus #2:
Two-Part Private Workshop:
"How to Manifest Your Heart's Desires with Tapping"
Join the private Facebook Group here:
Week 1
Listen to the audio
Right-click and "Save As" to download this audio
Week 2
Listen to the audio
Right-click and "Save As" to download this audio
Bonus #3:
Five Tapping Meditations
Personal Peace: Release Anger and Frustration
(Right-click and "Save" to Download)
Ultimate Focus: Increase Your Productivity and Results
(Right-click and "Save" to Download)
A New Perspective: Release the Old Belief "Part of Me Thinks I'm Broken"
(Right-click and "Save" to Download)
Releasing the Chains of Guilt: Let Go Of This Disempowering Emotion
(Right-click and "Save" to Download)
Resentment Eliminator: Let Go of Old Grudges, Irritations and Hurts
(Right-click and "Save" to Download)
Bonus #4:
Tapping for Stress Relief MP3 Audios
Download the MP3 Audios
Bonus #5:
First-access to one of our newest Tapping Meditations:
"Releasing the Fear of Public Speaking"
Download this audio
Download the transcript
Bonus #6:
Manifesting Your Greatest Self Master Class
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4