Buy a Copy of “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self” in a Local Bookstore and You’ll Get 5 Entries to Win One of the Over $19,500 in Prizes Shown Below!

(Only 1 Entry When You Buy Online)


I get it... why drive to a local bookstore when you can click on an app or website and get a book shipped to you in days. As much of a huge fan as I am of local bookstores, and how saddened I am when another one closes, I’ve also been a part of the reason for their decline over the years.

The ease of buying online is hard to beat, but...
Buying in bookstores still matters! Which is why I want to give you some huge incentives to support me for buying this book in a local bookstore.
You see, domestic and international distributors, as well as best-seller lists, look not only at online sales but also in-store sales. The more sales they see in the initial week, the more they’re willing to spread the book.

And in order to spread the message of Tapping as far and wide as I can, I need your help! I’m so passionate about not only Tapping but also about the process in this book and it’s ability to transform people’s lives.

So... if you buy a copy of the book in a local bookstore, on top of the regular bonuses...
I will raffle off all of the items shown below and you'll be given 5 entries to win! (Only 1 entry with online purchases)
And remember, I’m donating all of my royalties from the first 10,000 books sold to the Tapping Solution Foundation, of which I earn no money.

I’m just passionate about how this book and Tapping can help and I’m asking for your support in getting there.

So if you’re ready and willing, here are the steps to take...

Step 1

Find a Bookstore

Click on one of the booksellers links to find your local bookstore.

Indiebound Store Locator
Barnes & Noble Store Locator

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Purchase the Book

Go to your local book store to pick up your copy of the book.

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Step 4

Wait to see if you've won!

And while you're waiting, be sure to start reading your new book! We'll contact you directly after the contest is over if you're a lucky winner of any of the prizes.

Here Are the Over $19,500 in Prizes That You'll Be Entered to Win When You Buy a Copy of “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self” in a Local Bookstore (5 entries) or Online (1 entry)!
And remember, you'll still get access to the $102 in bonuses that come with buying online!

5 People will win a Private Tapping Session with Nick Ortner (45 mins each)

5 People will win a Private Tapping Session with Jessica Ortner (45 mins each)

5 People will win an "All Books" Package with each of our Tapping Solution Books

5 People will win a "Choose a 7 Week Program" package

Choose between both of our 7 week programs:
  • The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment
  • The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence

5 People will win a Tapping World Summit Digital Download Package

Choose to get full download access to either the 2015, 2016 or 2017 Tapping World Summit.

5 People will win an Anxiety Relief Program or Autoimmune Program package

Choose between access to one of these two powerful packages!

5 Personalized and Signed Copies of "The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self" book

25 People will win a signed copy of The Tapping Solution

Hay House Special Package:

1 Writer’s Workshop Ticket

Hay House Special Package:

1 Open Ticket to any Hay House Event

1 Hay House Special Package:

10 copies of the Wayne Set A collection of 5 books, CD's or Videos.

Dr. Christian Northrup Special Package:

3 people will win access to to Fabulous Female Body with Christiane
Valued at $499.00 Each!

If you’re a woman - whether you’re 19 or 90 - you likely believe that something is “wrong” with your body, or that it’s only a matter of time before something goes wrong. But this is entirely untrue. Christiane Northrup, M.D. is going to change that, and to help you radically transform your health. In this online course, she dives straight into the truth about women’s health and everything you need to know to not only maintain your physical body, but to flourish throughout your life.

Cheryl Richardson Special Package:

3 people will win access to Art of Extreme Self Care
Valued at $499.00 Each!

Self-care isn’t just about getting weekly massages or eating only organic food. The real essence of self-care is being true to who you are so you aren’t living your life for other people. It’s about making choices from a place of love and connection rather than guilt and obligation. When you do this, your interactions with your family, friends, and the world around you will become brighter, healthier, and more productive and positive. In this unforgettable year-long course, renowned life coach and New York Times best-selling author Cheryl Richardson will take you on an exciting journey to develop your self-care muscles.

James Van Praag Special Package:

3 people will win access to Healer, Psychic Medium with James Van Praag
Valued at $399.00 Each!

In this fascinating new online course with world-renowned medium and trusted spiritual teacher, James Van Praagh, you’ll learn what you are uniquely called to do while on earth. Whether you feel called to be a healer, intuitive, or medium (or even a philosopher, writer or artist), this course gives you the confidence and the know-how to express your unique spiritual gifts.

Deepak Chopra Special Chopra:

3 people will win access to Super Brain with Deepak Chopra
Valued at $149.00 Each!

You can train your brain to create the world you want to live in! The Super Brain Online Course is a user’s manual for your brain. Join spiritual master Deepak Chopra, M.D., and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D., as they show you how to utilize the three regions of the brain – the limbic, the reptilian and the neocortex – to obtain a super brain. It’s time to take command of your mind and create an amazing life!

Bruce Lipton Special Package:

3 people will win access to The Biology of Belief
Valued at $399.00 Each!

In this course, renowned cell-biologist and best-selling author Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., takes you on a scientific journey in which he unravels the truth of our biology. He translates the sciences of epigenetics, quantum physics, chemistry and biology in an accessible and enjoyable way. Through simple language, illustrations, humor and everyday examples, you’ll better understand just how your body really works so you can improve your long-term health and thrive through the changes in the world.

Mike Dooley Special Package:

3 people will win access to Playing the Matrix with Mike Dooley
Valued at $399.00 Each!

After 15 years of teaching and speaking on the nature of reality and the miraculous mechanics of manifestation, Mike Dooley is sharing his system for manifesting and bringing to life all you’ve ever wanted in a new online video course, Playing the Matrix. Mike knows about using the Law of Attraction and taking inspired action in order to get what he wants… and he wants you to realize the power you have as a conscious deliberate creator!

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Read complete rules here

Step 4

Wait to see if you've won!

And while you're waiting, be sure to start reading your new book! We'll contact you directly after the contest is over if you're a lucky winner of any of the prizes.
© 2025 The Tapping Solution, LLC