Amy B. Scher Articles

Powerful Tapping: Five Tips You Should Know When Using EFT

There are so many EFT tapping scripts out there, so many different ideas on how to use them, and so many different opinions on the right and wrong way to tap. During my healing adventure through chronic illness, I had an opportunity to try it all—and discover what helped me clear the fastest, and the most completely.

Now, as a professional energy therapy practitioner, I can confidently say EFT works for a wide variety of issues from; but if you don’t know these crucial tips, you could be missing out on deep and complete healing.


EFT Cheat Sheet: Metaphor Tapping For Physical Symptoms

In my energy therapy practice, I hear the same concern over and over from clients: “I don’t know what to say like you do while using EFT.” I will admit that I’m the “metaphor queen!” and for me, it happens to come very naturally. Finding metaphors and interpreting them so often reveals the hidden roots […]


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