Do You Value Yourself? Fears That Stop You From Taking Action

Mary Ayers - EFT Tapping Articles Written by Mary Ayers

I don’t know if you’ll be surprised by this but I’m going to make a pretty big statement about one of the ‘biggies’ that I see get in the way of people taking action….ready?!  The fear that other people “don’t want” what they have to offer.

There is no doubt that on some days you feel on top of the world about what you have to offer; it feels solid, you feel solid, like you’re on the path and your mission is clear as a bell.  And then there are those other days where the fear affects you. It can make you feel like you have amnesia and can’t find a hint of clarity about why you’re doing what you’re doing, or how it’s suppose to make a difference.

That “being in the zone” feeling alludes you and you may even consider going back to a familiar job or career — anything that will help you get that feeling of certainty and competency again!

It’s scary to stick your neck out there and declare you’ve got something of value. What if, after we finally take the risk and go for it, nobody shows up?  The fear that if we put ourselves out there, we’ll find that nobody wants what we have to offer can keep us frozen in our little space boots!

Have I gotten your anxiety up!?  Okay, hang in there with me because this is exactly when we start to use EFT and tap…

Do You Value Yourself?  Using EFT To Overcome Fear

Tap at the karate chop:
“Even though I’m afraid they won’t want me – and that would just kill me – I’m going to take a breath and accept this is how it feels right now.”

“Even though I can’t move – I won’t move – I don’t want to find out that they don’t want me – I’m going to start by accepting myself even with these feelings.”

“Even though it would hurt so much so find out they don’t want me – I know that feeling – it sucked – that’s okay, I’m just going to start by honoring myself, this fear, and these feelings.”

EFT Tapping Tip:  Sometimes there is a phase or a few words that really hit the spot and you can feel them resonating all through your body. When that happens, stick with those words and just keep saying them over and over while you tap up & down your body.

Tap through the points:

Eyebrow: I can’t take a step
Side eye:  I won’t take a step
Under eye:  I won’t risk that feeling again
Under nose:  That they don’t want me
Chin:  They don’t want me
Collarbone:  They don’t want me
Under arm:  I don’t want to feel that ever
Top of head:  I couldn’t bare that

Eyebrow:  If they didn’t like what I do
Side eye:  Then that’s what it would mean
Under eye:  Wouldn’t it?
Under nose:  Is that really what it would mean?
Chin:  Or could it mean something else?
Collarbone:  What if it isn’t about me at all?
Under arm:  Some people really value what I have to offer
Top of head:  I’m remembering how it feels to feel valued for being me

Eyebrow:  I wonder what it would feel like
Side eye:  to focus on that feeling more
Under eye:  What would be different for me?
Under nose:  Perhaps that’s happening already
Chin:  And I’m already starting to focus differently
Collarbone:  Maybe I’m beginning to feel that shift already
Under arm:  Isn’t it fun to know I’m seeing this differently
Top of head:  I’m ready to see my value again

Now, take a big breath! Check in and say those words again: “They don’t want me.”  How’s it feeling now?

If you’re still feeling the fear, do some more tapping.  This is one of those core beliefs that shows up in many areas of our lives so recognize that you may tap on it again in relationship to other issues.  And just know, every time you tap on it (and any memory that is attached to it) you’re making room for you, and your talents, to make a difference in the world. We need what you have to give and value you!


Mary Ayers Bio

Mary Ayers

As a therapist for over two decades, Mary utilizes a strengths based, solution-focused approach to therapy and coaching. She brings together ground breaking coaching tools with a vast amount of knowledge and experience with EFT, helping people make the mental mindset changes that are VITAL to success. She is the author of the Tap Into […]




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