How to Use Tapping to Get Some Much-Needed Me Time and Recharge Your Life

Nick Ortner - EFT Tapping Articles Written by Nick Ortner

Many of us charge into the New Year on a mission to revitalize our life, whether that means losing weight, boosting our finances, or hitting a personal goal that has eluded us for some time. We write up our to-do lists and schedules and hit the ground running.

Before long, however, you might find it all collapsing into a mush of deadlines and clutter, and your mission becomes diluted with all kinds of other things you have to get done.

Sound familiar?

One of the things EFT has helped me to realize is that while we may be clear about what we want for ourselves, many of us fail because we don’t carve out enough time to really focus on the necessary steps to get everything done. The plan is in place, but our personal execution time isn’t. Our commitments to family, friends and work – however noble – can quickly get in the way.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you probably need a little me time. If it’s hard to find, tapping can certainly help.

Getting Over the Guilt of Telling Others ‘No’

Sometimes, you simply need space. You need your me time. Sounds obvious, right? Actually, it’s so obvious that you’re likely taking it for granted.

Worse yet, you might even be feeling guilty.

In 2012, I went through a period of tremendous personal transformation. It was thrilling, and now, my life is radically different than it was 12 months ago. You can read about it all here, but if you want a quick summary, I wrote a book on tapping that’s soon to be released (you can actually pre-order it here, it comes out on April 2nd), I got married, and we took our business and outreach to a whole new level. That said, it was often immensely stressful, and I couldn’t figure out why.

As I would come to realize, I was so busy trying to please everybody that it snowballed into immense pressure that was becoming difficult to deal with.

To solve that problem, I created a tapping script that would allow me let go and say no when I needed to. It was more powerful than I realized.

When you say ‘no’, you’re not being mean, or selfish. You’re simply recognizing that in order for you to function at your optimum levels, you have to have space and time to tend to yourself and your priorities. You’re acknowledging that your ‘me’ time is essential.

Once you figure this out, you’ll be amazed at how easily your days flow. You’ll get everything done, only this time, with a lot less stress.

For some suggestions on how to get comfortable with me time, check out the tapping script in this article, “Using EFT to Release Tension Around Keeping Everyone Happy and Saying “No”.


What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you set aside some ‘me’ time for yourself? Let us know in the comments below! 

Nick Ortner Bio

Nick Ortner

Nicolas Ortner is CEO of The Tapping Solution, LLC, a company with a mission to bring simple, effective, natural healing into the mainstream through Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or “tapping.” Tapping is a healing modality that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Nick’s goal is to empower people to create healthy, financially abundant and […]




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