EFT Tapping Articles
Overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder One Step at a TimeIf you are aware that you’ve been suffering from a social anxiety disorder and have tried anything and everything, to no avail…… or if you’re a practitioner who has struggled with helping people overcome a social anxiety disorder… …or if you just want to know more about how to overcome a complex issue using EFT…this article will help you. |
Change Your Thoughts With TappingChange your mind to change your life. Thoughts are arguably among the most powerful tools we possess to affect change in our lives. Many books have been written on the power of our thoughts, and how profoundly they affect us. My purpose in this short article however, is not to convince you of the power of your thoughts, but rather to teach you a simple way to change them. |
Why I LOVE Anger in Law of Attraction WorkWhy would anyone love anger? Because anger is a fantastic emotion and tells us so much about how we are really feeling AND about what we are creating via the law of attraction. First you have to understand why we get angry. I can tell you exactly why you have been angry every time in your life. It was because something seemed UNFAIR to either you or someone you love. Anger is always a sense of unfairness and it always feels justified. Yes, even we feel guilty about carrying the anger, there’s that little voice that says, "but, I am right!" |
My True Voice Got Lopped Off at the Bootstraps“As a child, my voice got lopped off at the bootstraps,” she said. “My voice was not ever accepted in my home. It was always judged. They would give me this look, rolling their eyes, saying ‘What planet did you come from?’ I could feel their energy recoiling physically, away from me. I would wonder, ‘What did I do?’ |
Expanding Your Comfort Zones: The Key to Your Success – Part 3 of 3PART 3 of 3 |
Expanding Your comfort Zones: The Key to Your Success – Part 2 of 3Part 2 of 3 |
Expanding Your Comfort Zones: The Key to Your Success – Part 1 of 3PART 1 of 3 |
Fibromyalgia: An Energy ImbalanceAccording to Traditional Chinese Medicine, fibromyalgia is a “disharmony of the spirit.” Acupuncturists say “Wherever there is pain, there is no free flow of energy. Where there is no pain, there is free flow of energy.” Can you apply that thought to the following descriptions of two “typical” fibromyalgia sufferers? |
Complain Your Way to a BreakthroughComplaining is both universally used and detested by pretty much everyone. Nobody likes to hear it, but we all do it in our own special way AND there is one universal truth about complaining. While you are doing it, you feel really, REALLY justified! I know I do! Tapping has the strange ability to let us go into and examine even really negative emotions and behaviors in a way that creates great transformation and higher levels of consciousness. Yes, it is THAT powerful! |
A New Way to Use EFT for Getting to SleepFrom time to time I have written about ways in which EFT can be very helpful when we want to get to sleep and can’t seem to. Recently, I have discovered an additional way to do this which I find extremely useful. You may want to try a variation of it at those moments when you want to get to sleep quickly. |