Quit Smoking and Find Peace with EFT
Written by Quit Smoking and Find Peace with EFT
Tapping might not be the first technique you think of if you decide to quit smoking, but you’d be surprised how effective it is. You see, every cigarette you smoke represents some negative emotion.
I do a gradual reduction plan with EFT for my clients who want to quit smoking. During every session, we release some of the negative emotions they’ve been associating with cigarettes. By the end of each session we then agree on how many cigarettes they need per day after that session.
The result is a gradual session-by-session process to help you reduce your cigarette intake and eventually quit smoking for good.
This article details part of a treatment session after Marcelle, now a non-smoker, had stabilized at 9 cigarettes a day.
Tapping Choice
When “Marcelle” (not her real name) first came to see me, she was smoking about 15 cigarettes a day.
Whilst Marcelle’s relatives had quit smoking after 2-3 sessions, she did understand the benefits of going at her own pace, and that this was OK. She reported that she felt she had grown and developed through this healing journey.
Although I usually tap on myself whilst the client taps on themselves, I usually found it more productive to tap on Marcelle whilst she lay down on the treatment couch.
This is a very pleasant treatment whereby I tap in light circles on the top of the head and then in continuous tapping movements from the eye brow to the side of the eye to the under eye. It feels really lovely, like a head massage. There are very good acupressure points all around the eyes, and the top of the head covers a number of the meridians. And so just tapping around the eyes and the top of the head produces the full effect.
Finding The Root Cause For A Smoking Trigger
I began tapping on Marcelle as she verbally walked me through her average day’s smoking, from start to finish. Her voice became strained and her shoulders looked stiff when she came to one particular part, so we stopped there for tapping.
The situation was teaching her grandson and helping him with his homework. The grandson insists that his teacher’s way of doing things is the right way and will not consider any other approaches that Marcelle takes. The desire to smoke after this homework session started on a 9 out of 10 intensity.
Marcelle said that after all that, she needed a treat. We began tapping saying statements like:
“Even though I need this treat…”
“Even though I don’t want to deprive myself of this treat.”
The intensity reduced to a 6 out of 10. Next, I tapped on Marcelle using a phrase such as:
“Even though he insists his teacher is right, at least he is respectful of his teachers, and that’s a great attribute than many kids don’t have.”
Marcelle agreed, citing a story with one of her daughters, and how she did better when she learned to like her teacher.
But still, Marcelle was unhappy about this teacher adoration, so much so that she still wanted that cigarette.
Based on what I knew, I asked her if there could be a parallel in her own childhood and life where her mother favors her sister all the time. She agreed and saw the connection straight away. So we released this, and Marcelle no longer desired the after-homework cigarette. It was a zero intensity. We had just hit the root cause!
Substitute For Love
Marcelle then carried on walking me through her smoking day. We came at a point which I know from experience to be relevant. This was a cigarette smoked with a loved one.
The person in question was “Auntie Nelly.” We started at a need to smoke with Auntie Nelly at a 6 out of 10, which went down to 5 after some tapping. I kept tapping on Marcelle as I asked her if this aunt is like a mother to her, since her mother was abusive and not like a mother. Marcelle agreed, and we tapped on all aspects of this, until finally, the desire was about a zero, and Marcelle could see herself happily just being with Auntie Nellie as she alone smoked.
This particular cigarette was because of a lack of motherly love. Auntie Nellie provided this love, and it was somehow linked with smoking in Marcelle’s mind. The bond keeping the two so close together became that love, and there was no need to cement it with a cigarette.
A Healing Journey Beyond Tapping For Cravings
Let me tell you why I love this treatment: using EFT to quit smoking is not about tapping for cravings.
Smoking, like any other addiction, is a way to tranquilize anxiety. This is not necessarily a clinical anxiety, although it sometimes is. Usually, it is just a nervousness, irritability, or unrest. The smoker gets used to medicating this feeling with nicotine.
For the smoker, this anxiety gets confused with a craving. It is a conditioned response to the anxiety. To do a full “quit smoking” treatment, we need to release the negative emotions that cause this anxiety. When enough of this anxiety is released, the smoker becomes a non-smoker and is set free.
It is truly a journey to emotional freedom.
Marcelle finally quit smoking and is truly a good example for anyone with a stubborn addiction to learn from.
I see the smoking like a call for help. Thanks to the cigarettes, Marcelle has now found peace with the abuse from her mother, various aspects of which were released in different sessions. I hope this article has given you inspiration and ideas, whether for your own healing journey or those you care for.
Hi, I suffered an incident while in naval service in Viet Nam. I am currently rated 100% disabled primarily for PTSD.
While my trigger incident happened in 1967 I first learned about PTSD in 2004. Since then I have been in and out of therapy and mental health programs.these programs have helped. I quit drinking and other dysfunctional activities. I am not getting any therapy now. I’ve tried tapping with some results. I know I still need the help from a therapist. The problem is that the VA doesn’t recognize tapping as yet and other forms of therapy don’t seem to help. Can you please advise me? Also I think of all the other PTSD soldiers who could benefit from tapping therapy. This reply isn’t easy to write.
J.L. Johnson
Thank you for this great article, will be tapping on my emotions, rather than my addiction, to cigarettes.
Love & Blessings for all your wonderful work.
In reply to J. L. Johnson, please know there is tapping help available to veterans suffering from PTSD through the Veterans Stress Project; see http://stressproject.org/ for more information. And good luck to you on your healing journey.