Have questions about the 13th Annual
Tapping World Summit?

Below are answers to come frequently asked questions

General Presentation Questions
Q. If you have written in requesting a link and have not received a reply, it's likely that we did respond but the message didn't get through to you
A. To ensure that the email we send you ends up in your inbox, and isn't mistakenly sent to the junk folder, please whitelist our email address, which is contact@thetappingsolution.com.
Q. I haven't been getting the emails for the Summit
A. To ensure that the email we send you ends up in your inbox, and isn't mistakenly sent to the junk folder, please whitelist our email address, which is nick@tappingsolutionemail.com.

Information on how to whitelist us with AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, ThunderBird and Postini. Even if your ISP or email program is not listed, with these instructions you should be able to figure out how to whitelist our email address at any ISP or with any email program.
Q. Do you have a schedule of who's speaking?
A. Check out our full schedule of The 13th Annual Tapping World Summit.
Q. What is the last day I can purchase?
A. Unfortunately, every good thing must end. We will be ending sales for this event on January 31st.
Q. I missed a day - is there a replay?
A. Our Upgrade Options allow you to keep all of the presentations forever, plus give you access to the workbooks, transcripts and some cool bonuses.
Q. I tried to get the new day after the scheduled 8pm Eastern Time, but I kept getting the old day. What's wrong?
A. Sometimes our computers take a picture of a page we have already visited so it loads up faster when we come back. It's called caching, and it sounds like that's what your computer may have done. Try refreshing the page and it should come up correctly.
Q. Are there any other language options?
A. Unfortunately, at this time it is only available in English.
Q. Do you have options for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing?
A. Please contact our Customer Service Team at contact@thetappingsolution.com and they will help you. Be sure to make your subject line DEAF or HARD OF HEARING.
Q. I went to today's page but it's changed. Why did it change before 8?
A. We try to make the presentations last until as close to 8 p.m. as possible, but because we are loading the pages on 10 different servers and it takes time to populate, we have to do it a little early. We suggest that you finish watching the previous day's presentation before 7:45 PM EST in case this occurs.
Q. What time do the presentations go live where I am?
A. The presentations are held New York time. If you're not sure when that will be in your time zone, check out this time zone converter.

Technical Issues
Q. The presentation stops in the middle. What happened?
A. Please keep in mind that there are tens of thousands of people participating, and sometimes that much traffic can cause the connection to stop momentarily. You can pause and come back, or listen to it at another time and it should work for you.
Q. How can I rewind or fast forward the player?
A. There is a slider on each of the players that you can move with your mouse to go forward or backward. Keep in mind that the audio must first load load onto your computer, so if you can't get past a particular point, wait for the audio to finish loading.
Q. I can't hear the presentation.
A. This could be one of a few things:
1) First confirm that your volume is working by going to another site(like youtube) and picking any video to see if you hear audio from it.
2) If your computer's volume is fine, then there may be a problem with your browser being compatible with our audio player so you can either a) try viewing the page on a different browser or b) try using one of our backup audio players(the link is listed below our default audio player)

Q. I already upgraded - how do I access?
A. You should have received an email immediately after you placed your order; however, if you did not receive it, please check in your SPAM folder, or make sure that you are checking the email that you used to make the purchase. If you still don't have it, then send an email to Customer Service at contact@thetappingsolution.com.
Q. Is there a time limit? How long can I access my links?
A. You may download the programs at your leisure - there is no time limit. The pages will be available for as long as we own the site, which we intend to be for a long time!
Q. Why should I upgrade?
A. We have a page that details the extensive benefits of upgrading; however, in short, upgrading enables you to keep the presentations forever, in a great hard copy format. You will also get workbooks and transcripts, as well as several neat bonuses!

Find out more!
Q. I bought the Gold package, but I really want to get the Platinum package instead. Can I do that?
A. You can do that! Please send an email to our Customer Service team with the subject GOLD TO PLATINUM UPGRADE, and they will make sure that you get what you need. Please note that we will be reserving a limited quantity of Platinum packages for Gold purchasers for 60 days.

Connect With Us on Social Media

Follow the producer of the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit Nick Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the host of the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit Jessica Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the producer of the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

If you have any questions, please email us at

*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique ("EFT") which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not full known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using EFT as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use EFT is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.

The information presented on this website, including introducing EFT, is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. The Tapping Solution, LLC, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, EFT demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.
The 2025 Tapping World Summit Video Series: Featuring Nick Ortner, Louise Hay, and More! Learn About The Tapping World Summit
© 2025 The Tapping Solution LLC, 2025 Annual Tapping World Summit
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