by Jessica Ortner

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New York Times Best selling author Geneen Roth will show you how to change your relationship with food by transforming your relationship with yourself.

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  1. Peta says:

    So glad I chose to read your brother Nick’s article about Reid Tracy’s (mistaken) right turn today – so much so that the Universe decided in its delciously playful way to gift me with one (right turn) of my own……Jessica what a fabulous interview with Geneen Roth and ending the cycle of self hatred and food/diets/binging.
    Truly inspirational, uplifting with great insights and really useful practical tips AND so right timing for me as I was just about to begin yet another diet – this time even resorting to listening to hypnosis tapes as a last ditch attempt to erase my crazy self sabotaging habits 🙂 As soon as I have finished writing this I will be directing my attention to her website as I have to confess I hadn’t heard of Geneen. What a beautiful god send. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! (Love your interviewing technique by the way. You always seem so light hearted in your approach yet manage skillfully to get right to the heart of the matter and by being so wonderfully curious I’m sure your guests open up to you more fully which of course in turn benefits us all greatly. In appreciation to/for you Jessica much love to you and of course to your brother Nick.

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