Welcome to The Tapping Solution EFT Practitioner Directory

What is an EFT Practitioner?
An EFT Practitioner, or Tapping Practitioner, is a professional coach, psychologist, therapist or counselor who uses the technique known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping (Also sometimes known as “The Tapping Solution”)
An EFT Practitioner is a professional that can work with you one-on-one or in a group setting, using the EFT Technique, oftentimes in conjunction with other techniques, to help you overcome any challenge that you’re dealing with in your life.
EFT is used on a variety of issues like stress, anxiety, overwhelm and other negative emotions, weight loss, clearing blocks to financial success, trauma, physical pain, relationship problems, phobias, addictions, athletic performance and much more.
Benefits of Working With An EFT Practitioner
While EFT is easy enough to learn and practice on your own, there are many benefits of working with an EFT Practitioner.
An EFT Practitioner can:
- Provide a safe space for you to explore and clear your emotions in
Often, it is hard to access painful memories and traumas while we are alone. An EFT Practitioner can help you feel safe enough to explore parts of your past you may otherwise not easily get to. - Help you discover the core issue of a specific challenge
EFT Practitioners can help you “get to the bottom” of why a specific issue is holding such a charge for you. - Assist you in identifying and clearing healing blocks you may have
These blocks are often referred to by EFT Practitioners as psychological reversals. While it is quite common to have these blocks, they can keep you from overcoming your problem, no matter how much effort you put in. - Formulate effective EFT Tapping statements
One of the biggest challenges for people while tapping, is to know what words to use. An EFT Practitioner will help you come up with not only a statement you resonate with, but one that will also be effective in clearing the issue. - Keep you on track
It is easy to go off on tapping tangents, which can make it difficult to clear the whole issue. By working with an EFT Practitioner, you can make sure you follow an issue through to the end.
How Can I Find The Best EFT Practitioner For Me On This Site?
There are so many EFT Practitioners to choose from, that it is important you find one that feels good to you. Like working with anyone on a personal level, the connection between the two of you can help to foster your success. Take some time to look through the EFT Practitioner listings, visit the practitioner’s websites and decide who you feel connected to.
Choosing the best EFT Practitioner to work with depends largely on a few things:
- Who you resonate with and how comfortable you feel sharing with them
- What their special area of interest might be and how well you feel they connect to your issue
- If you prefer to see someone in person or if you are comfortable working with an EFT Practitioner by Skype or phone
- Many EFT Practitioners work with distance clients. Because you will be tapping on yourself, it is not necessary to be geographically close to your EFT Practitioner. Many times clients prefer to work via Skype to be able to do the tapping from the comfort of their own home.
- In each EFT Practitioner’s listing, it will specify if they see clients in person, or via phone or Skype. This will make it easy to work with practitioners that might be in another state or country.
- Tips For Your EFT Practitioner Search
- Remember, we have not verified the EFT Practitioners listed on our site have been trained in any way whatsoever. This is an open directory that is meant to be a starting point for you to find a practitioner to work with. It is up to you to do your homework and find the practitioner that is right for you.
- Visit each practitioners website that you’re interested in working with and contact them, asking them questions that are important to you.
- Find out how your potential EFT Practitioner likes to communicate and make sure that is a comfortable arrangement for you.
- Find out if your potential practitioner uses any other techniques along with EFT so you’ll be prepared in knowing what to expect.
What to Expect From This Practitioner Directory…
It’s important that you know that this is an open directory.
We do not qualify any of the practitioners listed on this site. The only requirement that we have is that the practitioner must have a website that you can visit to do your research on them.
Some of the practitioners may be professionally licensed as Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and other professions in the healthcare field and some may not. Some may be personal development coaches. One is not necessarily better than any other.
Some of these practitioners have gone through trainings as EFT practitioners and some have not. We do our best to have practitioners list the degrees that they have and the trainings that they have gone through so that you can make the most informed decision possible. Find the person that is right for you.
Ready, Set, Find Your EFT Practitioner!
We have designed our EFT Practitioner Directory to be very easy to navigate…

(By using our directory, you are acknowledging you have read our
disclaimer and agree to our terms and conditions.)
If you’re a practitioner and want to learn how to be listed in the directory, click here.
If you’re a practitioner and want to learn how to become certified, click here.