by Jessica Ortner

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Get ready to laugh, we are talking with comedian Pete Holmes in this episode, covering topics on spirituality and tapping.

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  1. Paulette (my friend's call me Pete), says:


    So here’s what I want you to know – you are an effervescent joy, a deep delight, an inspiration, a breath of fresh air, a true heart gift, vulnerable, insightful, wise, loving, intelligent, kind, adventurous, fun and silly (silly in the most fabulous way possible) and have provided me with more than I can possible say here. Thank you. thank you, thank you.

    While I’ve known about and followed the work you, Nick and your family have been doing at The Tapping Solution for a few years now, even tapping for myself from time to time, it was not until the “roller coaster ride from hell” that this past year has been and which for awhile felt as if it would thoroughly kicked my butt, that I began to wake myself up again. The tapping I’ve done has worked wonders in my life. Following your podcast has done the same.

    I’ve been waking up and falling asleep to my own growth since I was 14 years old. I’m aware that Dr. Christiane suggests we not reveal our age if we don’t want to feel old or age ourselves, but I want you to know I’ll be 63 in May. Iā€™m more enthusiastic and inspired than I have been in a very long time. I’ve dusted off dreams which have long been tucked away. In such practical and enlightened ways you have breathed life into so much of what I’ve studied for decades. For what ever the mystical reasons might be, you, Nick, and other “new thought leaders” your age are making all the research and reading come alive for me.

    I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and have spent the past week listening to each episode again. Every time I listen, I am inspired and uplifted.

    If you ever have moments or days of doubting yourself or your work, please know that you have made a difference for me, I’m sure I for many. Pete was inspiring and incredible. I’ve jumped onto his podcast. Kyle Gray, Danielle Laorte, Mike Dow, Tim, Steve – well, all your guests have energized me. My brain and heart are on fire with all the knowledge I want to dig into deeper. The diversity of your guests and their expertise is amazing. Your podcasts with guests are fantastic, but especially those podcasts with only you or just you and Nick touch my heart, my mind and my spirit. Thank you for so sincerely sharing your personal stories, which have inspired me to be brave again. Thank you for having the courage to ask your guests to share their stories. Thank you for keeping it real with your sweet brother, Nick.

    Thank you for making your growth, your journey, your heart and your risks part of my journey. I continually share your podcast with friends, particularly friends with teenage daughters. Girls need a courageous, bright, funny, intelligent role model like you.

    I’ve spent most of my life working in the entertainment industry – film, TV and music – working with internationally known talent and I’m pretty sure this is my first fan girl letter. So, I’m going to wrap this little love fest up with, when next your see your mom and dad, please kiss them and thank them for me for raising such an incredibly lovely, bright spirited human being. Oh, I think Nick’s pretty great, too!

    May all blessings be yours,

    Pete Elkins

    • Jessica Ortner says:

      Wow, thank you so much for all of your kind words Pete! I am humbled and grateful that my work has inspired you. šŸ™‚

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