by Jessica Ortner

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Our lives can seem so overwhelming, and oftentimes, the more choices that we have, the more stress that we feel. Today we’re going to take a step back and look at how making little changes can give you BIG results! To help us along the way, is my friend Courtney Carver.

Do you ever ask yourself, “How can I make things easier in my life?, How can I eliminate the feelings of stress and overwhelm?” In today’s world where we’re bombarded with new things every day and change is a constant, feeling stress has become our new normal and how many people feel all day long. We may not even recognize that it is happening, or maybe we just accept it as part of the “life package”.

We’re going to examine how having “too much” might be unknowingly causing you this anxiety and what steps we can take to get rid of the excess and let go! Courtney’s blog, Be More with Less, shares so many wonderful ideas to simplify your life and her new book, Project 333: The Minimalist Fashion Challenge That Proves Less Really is So Much More, will challenge you to change your closet and your life!

About Courtney:

Courtney Carver launched her blog “Be More with Less” in 2010 and is one of the top bloggers in the world on the subject of minimalism. She has been featured in countless articles, podcasts, and interviews on simplicity, and is the creator of the minimalist fashion challenge, Project 333, which is now a book with TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House.

Here are a few of my favorite blog posts on Be More with Less:

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