Finding Peace After a Divorce 4 Part Masterclass with Alina Frank

The most challenging and painful experiences of our lives can often be the ones that hold the greatest spiritual gifts. Tapping can heal the shock, betrayal, and feelings of abandonment that often accompany the breakup of a romantic relationship. In these upcoming teleclasses EFT relationship coach Alina Frank will be discussing how to transform your divorce into a spiritual journey.

In these modules, here is some of what you’ll learn:

  • How EFT can help transform difficult relationships into spiritual growth
  • How to “look in the mirror” to draw out the critical voice and turn to a place of peace
  • How to use Tapping to stay balanced and centered within your interactions
  • 3 patterns people commonly fall into that disrupt the ability to move forward and look to the future (& which one you align with)
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