The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls

Dealing with grades, bullying, friendships, parents, crushes . . . it’s enough to make any teenage girl wish she could snap her fingers and make it all go away.

The good news is, you almost can—except it’s not “snapping” but “tapping”!

In The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls, expert EFT practitioner Christine Wheeler explains the basics of Tapping. Then she gives you simple yet powerful instructions for tapping on common challenges such as:

  • Schoolwork, tests, grades, and planning for college
  • Appearance and body image
  • Dating, breakups, and dealing with sexual feelings
  • Divorce, siblings, and blended families

Throughout the book, comments from 16-year-old Cassidy, the author’s teen consultant, keep it real with helpful perspectives on how this tapping thing works—and it does work!

In these pages, you’ll discover that a super effective tool for dealing with stress is literally at your fingertips. If you’re ready to be true to yourself, stop freaking out, and keep being awesome, The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls is the perfect solution for you!

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