Do you often find yourself holding onto your mistakes, shortcomings, failures, missteps, and imperfections? These things can start to feel so heavy over time if we keep holding onto them and don’t let go. Regret, guilt, and shame take up a lot of space and energy!
So, we need to remember to let those things go every once in a while! By doing so, we can free ourselves up so that we can have more energy moving forward.
In service of letting go and offering ourselves forgiveness, I have 10 affirmations for self-forgiveness for us to practice today.
Here they are:
- I forgive myself for making mistakes, even the ones I have made more than once.
- I forgive myself for the times I have tried and failed.
- I forgive myself for the times I was too scared to try in the first place.
- I forgive myself for not speaking up when I needed to.
- I forgive myself for not listening to myself and my own inner wisdom.
- I forgive myself for not feeling confident to be myself.
- I forgive myself for thinking I wasn’t valuable or enough.
- I forgive myself for not taking better care of myself or prioritizing my needs.
- I forgive myself for being messy, imperfect, and human.
- I choose to forgive myself, let go, and move forward with more peace.
I can feel a weight release from my back as I read those words and repeat them to myself. It can feel so good, and so needed, to practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness.
How do those words feel for you?
As you go about your day today, continue to be aware of opportunities to practice self-forgiveness… to be loving and understanding of your imperfect, human experience today! Because after all, we’re all human. We are all imperfect. But we are all worthy, valued, and enough exactly as we are – flaws and all.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
P.S. And if you need even more help letting go of something you did, something you said, or maybe even something you didn’t do or say, check out our Change Your Thinking Category and meditations like these:

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