Our thoughts have real power.
The way we speak to ourselves, the beliefs we have, and the intentions we bring to each day can make a major impact on how we feel and how we respond to the events that unfold.
Here are 10 mantras that can help bring intention to your thinking and set you up for having a great rest of your day.
Feel free to say them out loud to yourself as you read along to really reinforce these positive messages.
I have the power to create the life I want.
I choose to take care of myself and do what nurtures me.
I have time to slow down.
I honor my process and my pace.
I welcome growth, learning, and positive change.
I choose to put my energy towards the things that matter to me.
I trust and love myself.
I keep my heart open to new possibilities.
I am ready for whatever this day brings.
I have the power to make today a great day.
Take a few minutes to let those words sit with you. Notice how your body feels in this moment, and how good it feels to affirm these beliefs for yourself!
We might not be able to predict what will come next today or what is ahead for us. But we can choose to bring these kinds of positive intentions with us as we move forward.
So go out there and get after it… You’ve got this!
I trust that you are going to have a great rest of your day, because you are going to choose to make it that way.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
P.S. Want more like this? Try our short Active Transformational Meditation titled Create a Great Day. This session is under 6 minutes long and is an easy way to bring positive energy to your day so you can live your day to the fullest!

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