
4 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear – with Kim Murray

Written by: Jessica Ortner

When you look back on your childhood, you may have some memories that are lighthearted, carefree, and positive, and yet others that are difficult and challenging to look back on.

For whatever reason, we may not have had all of our needs met when we were younger. 

And so, there’s an inner child inside of all of us that is looking for the love and care it always longed for…

Nurturing the inner child within you and providing that part of you with the love and care it needed as a child is a powerful way to bring inner peace to your internal world. 

Today, we are going to get the chance to speak to our inner child, and give it some of the reassurance it needs to hear. 

These insights and pieces of wisdom are inspired by the time I spent with Kim Murray, a meditation teacher and Tapping practitioner who specializes in inner child work.

I loved getting the chance to chat with Kim about nurturing the inner child within all of us, and to collaborate with her in creating Tapping meditations for The Tapping Solution app that give us all the chance to do this healing work. 

Stay tuned for 4 powerful things your inner child needs to hear from you. But first, let’s meet Kim!

Introducing… Kim Murray!

Kim Murray is the founder of Happy Heads, where she teaches simple mindful tools and techniques that empower people of all ages to live happier, calmer, and stress-free lives by nurturing their mental health and wellbeing.

Kim is a Meditation Teacher and Tapping Practitioner, combining two incredibly powerful techniques that help transform your mind and calm your nervous system. She is also a mother of two and combines a wealth of personal and professional experience to create tailored workshops and private sessions that support everyone’s unique brain.

An expert in inner child work, Kim utilizes Tapping, meditation, visualization, and other powerful techniques to guide her clients through the deeply powerful work of connecting with, nurturing, and healing their inner child.

In her work, Kim has found that the little child within us needs our love and reassurance, and that when we tell it what it needs to hear, we experience a deep shift within us that opens the door to greater peace and ease within.

4 Things Your Inner Child Needs To Hear

Your inner child seeks your love, compassion, support, and understanding. If you want to start the process of connecting with, nurturing, and healing your inner child, then letting it know these four things is a great place to start:

1. All of your emotions are valid

We all went through a lot when we were kids. Whether it was due to family tensions, schoolplace stressors, or traumatic experiences, your younger self faced many challenges. 

And likely, that little child experienced emotions that they felt they had to suppress, ignore, or hide from the people around them. They may have learned that they shouldn’t feel a certain way, or that their emotions didn’t make sense. 

But the truth is, all of their feelings made sense. All of their emotions were valid. They had a right to feel them, and they had a right for those feelings to be seen, honored, and validated. 

So let’s give your inner child that reassurance now.

Bring to mind an image of your younger self, your inner child. In your mind’s eye, get down on their level, look into their eyes, and tell them:

All of your emotions are valid.

Your feelings make sense.

Want to go deeper with this experience? Give our Nurture Your Inner Child Tapping meditation a try, led by Kim herself in the app. 

2. You are enough

It is during childhood, when our nervous systems are learning to adapt to the world, that our strongest and loudest limiting beliefs are often formed. We carry these limiting beliefs all through childhood and into our adult lives, and over time they impact how we see ourselves and the world around us.

And one of the strongest limiting beliefs many of us carry is the belief that we are not enough.

There’s likely a little child within you who is doubting if they are enough… If they are smart enough, good enough, strong enough, beautiful enough… 

It can be an incredibly powerful healing experience to go back and reassure your inner child that they are, in fact, enough. To let them know that they’ve always been enough and always will be, no matter what.

Let’s try that now.

Bring to mind an image of your younger self, your inner child. In your mind’s eye, get down on their level, look into their eyes, and tell them:

You are enough. 

You’ve always been enough.

You will always be enough.

Want to go deeper with this experience? Give our Letting Go of Your Inner Child’s Limiting Beliefs Tapping meditation a try, led by Kim herself in the app.

3. I won’t abandon you, no matter what

Our inner child often feels vulnerable, scared, and worried they’ll be left behind or abandoned.

One way to help our adult selves to feel more calm and at ease in the present moment is to soothe and comfort the inner child within us that is worried, upset, or afraid. 

Now, as a wise adult, you have the chance to let that inner child know that you will be there for them, that you will care for them, that you will protect them, and that you’ll have their back no matter what.

By letting that inner child know that you will be there for them, no matter how big their feelings are, no matter what they do, and no matter what mistakes they make, you can move forward feeling more clear, free, and empowered.

Bring to mind an image of your younger self, your inner child. In your mind’s eye, get down on their level, look into their eyes, and tell them:

I’m always here for you.

I won’t ever abandon you.

No matter what,

I’ve got your back.

Want to go deeper with this experience? Give our Comforting Your Inner Child’s Feelings Tapping meditation a try, led by Kim herself in the app.

4. You are safe now, and you are free to be yourself

A powerful part of inner child healing work is to help our inner child feel safe, secure, and comfortable. 

When we can encourage that little child within us to be free and to feel calm, happy, and confident, we can begin to release old patterns, let go of self-doubt, dismantle limiting beliefs, and come to a place in the present moment where we become connected, aligned, and at peace with ourselves. 

When our inner child feels safe, and when we feel safe, we can start to live fully as our most authentic self.

Want to give it a try? 

Bring to mind an image of your younger self, your inner child. In your mind’s eye, get down on their level, look into their eyes, and tell them:

You are safe now.

I am here to handle whatever comes our way.

You are free to relax and be yourself.

Want to go deeper with this experience? Give our Inner Child Harmony Tapping meditation a try, led by Kim herself in the app.

Tap In The App With Kim To Heal Your Inner Child

All of these Tapping meditations are part of our Inner Child Healing category in the app.

So if you want to do the deeply healing work of nurturing your inner child, I highly encourage you to check out these sessions and go through the Tapping process. These are extremely powerful experiences that can create HUGE shifts in your life. 

Be sure to check out the 4 Day Inner Child Series. Kim will guide you through a four-day process of connecting with, nurturing, and soothing your inner child, so you can comfort past pains, release old limiting beliefs, and bring more peace to your inner world.

Tip: Click here on your mobile device to go straight to this series in the app. Or, search for the title in the app!

Here’s what people are saying about these meditations:

I’ve just completed the first session and I can honestly say my inner child has never felt so loved and nurtured.” 

 ✨ ✨ ✨

This was amazing! I think my favorite so far. By the last one I had a huge smile on my face the whole time, knowing that little me was safe, supported, and loved and that adult me is as well and ready to take on anything.

 ✨ ✨ ✨

I tried Kim Murray’s ‘Nurture Your Inner Child’ today with great success! 🖤I wept with joy I was able to give a voice to my inner child 🖤”

 ✨ ✨ ✨
I have just completed the 4 day inner child healing series. It is amazing. I feel quite calm and peaceful. I can stop searching for something I had lost.

Go Deeper With Kim Murray

For more insights, and to learn more about how to make your head happy again, check out Kim’s work at

With private coaching, extended programs (including a Nurture Your Inner Child program!), workshops, online courses, and more, Kim can offer you support in all areas of your life, from anxiety, to pregnancy, to parenting, to grief, and more. 

Sign up for her Monthly Reset Newsletter here

And be sure to follow her on instagram at @Happyheads.Me

I’m so grateful to Kim for sharing her incredible insights and wisdom with us, and for guiding these amazing Tapping sessions for us in the app. 

I hope you find just as much healing in learning from her and experiencing theses meditations as I have. 

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Jessica Ortner

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