
5 Expert Tips for Successful Fasting: Wisdom and Tools from Dr. Mindy

Written by: Jessica Ortner

For those who value natural approaches to health and well-being, fasting has emerged as a popular tool with numerous powerful benefits. Research suggests it can reduce inflammation, balance hormone levels, boost brain power, improve biomarkers of disease, and more.[1] But it can seem daunting to newcomers and challenging even for experienced fasters. 

What if there was a way to make the fasting journey not just manageable, but truly transformative? A method that combines the healing potential of fasting with a powerful stress-relief technique?

This vision inspired our latest collaboration with Dr. Mindy Pelz, a world-renowned expert on fasting and women’s health. Together, we’ve developed a series of Tapping meditations designed to support you through every stage of a fast, helping you navigate both the physical and emotional aspects with greater ease and deeper insight.

Whether just starting out or looking to enhance an existing fasting practice, you’ve got to check out these expert tips and Tapping tools.

Introducing… Dr. Mindy Pelz!

Dr. Mindy Pelz is a world-renowned women’s health expert on a mission to teach YOU just how powerful your body was built to be.

She is a pioneer in the fasting movement, which she believes is the quickest path back to better health. 

Dr. Mindy is the best-selling author of Fast Like a Girl and other incredible books that have helped women worldwide take back their health. 

She just released her latest book, Eat Like a Girl: 100+ Delicious Recipes to Balance Hormones, Boost Energy, and Burn Fat. It’s not just a cookbook (although it contains 100+ amazing recipes!); it’s a manifesto for living in tune with your body. If you struggle with hormonal imbalances or feel like your diet is out of sync with your body’s needs, check it out!

Order Eat Like a Girl here.

We had the opportunity to learn from Dr. Mindy and collaborate with her to create Tapping meditations designed to support you at every stage of your fasting journey. These meditations combine the stress-relieving power of EFT Tapping with Dr. Mindy’s expertise to make the most of your fast.

5 tips to make the most of your fast

Let’s explore five expert tips for successful fasting, inspired by Dr. Pelz’s wisdom, along with Tapping meditations that can support you every step of the way:

1. Set clear intentions before you begin

Starting your fast in a calm, clear place can help you relax into the experience and show up for yourself and your body in an empowered way. 

Dr. Pelz emphasizes the importance of connecting with your “why” before embarking on a fast. This can help you stay on course when things feel hard.

So consider why YOU have chosen to do the fast. What is this fast about for you? Why is it important for you to stick with this fasting journey? When things feel tricky, what do you need to remind yourself of?

To set yourself up for a fast full of transformative benefits, try this Tapping meditation:


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2. Embrace physical symptoms as signs of healing

During a fast, it’s common to experience physical discomfort. However, Dr. Pelz encourages us to reframe these experiences.

Physical symptoms that arise during a fast are often signs that your body is repairing itself. So when those symptoms show up, take a moment to recognize that they are messages from your body, letting you know you are in a phase of healing and repairing.

This simple shift in perspective can help you release stress, find more comfort in the discomfort, and sink even deeper into the healing experience of your fast.

Need additional support? Try this meditation


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3. Use Fasting as an Opportunity for Emotional Growth

Fasting isn’t just a physical journey; it’s an emotional one too! 

Dr. Pelz explains: “It is common during a fast for a variety of different emotions to bubble to the surface… All of this is okay and a natural part of the process. It is important to let emotions come up, pay attention to them, and learn from them.”

Oftentimes, we use food to self-soothe, numb our feelings, or distract ourselves. During a fast, when you don’t have food to turn to, it can be a powerful opportunity to get in touch with your emotions, get to know yourself better, and tend to yourself with love and care. 

So when emotions show up, ask yourself: What are these emotions here to show me? What do I need to know?

To explore this even deeper, try Tapping along with Dr. Mindy:


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4. Prioritize rest (but don’t worry if your sleep routines are out of whack)

Sleep patterns can shift during a fast, which is perfectly normal! You may notice yourself waking up more, having a harder time falling asleep, or something else. 

Dr. Pelz advises that you trust your body will get the rest it needs, and relax into the experience.

Your body does a lot of healing and repairing during a fast, and it will continue to heal as you rest at night. 

The more you sink into a state of peace and ease before bed and throughout the night, the more you support this healing process. So prioritize rest and relax into it – even if that rest doesn’t look like the regular night of sleep you are used to!


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5. Break your fast with intention – and be sure to celebrate! 

How you end your fast is just as important as how you begin it. 

Dr. Pelz encourages a mindful transition. First, celebrate yourself for choosing this journey, for going through the process, and for committing and seeing it through even when it was hard. Reflect on the gifts you’ve given yourself during this fast, the lessons you’ve learned, the way you’ve deepened your relationship with your body and yourself.

Next, consider what you’ll nourish your body with first, and what you’ll do next. 

Ask yourself: What am I choosing to take from this experience? What have I released and let go of that no longer serves me? What do you want my life to look like moving forward? What will be different? 

The end of a fast is transition into a new chapter. To honor this transition, try Tapping along to this meditation:


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Navigating your fasting journey with Tapping

Dr. Mindy Pelz’s Tapping meditations in The Tapping Solution App offer powerful support for each stage of your fast. 

Tapping, or EFT, is a simple yet effective method for reducing stress, releasing strong emotions, and bringing ease and calm to your body and mind.

By combining gentle tapping on specific acupressure points with focused reflection and affirmations, you can soothe your body and embrace a more positive, empowering mindset as you fast.

The meditations in our Fasting Support collection, guided by Dr. Mindy, provide a practical, accessible way to work through the physical and emotional challenges of fasting while helping you make the most of the experience.

Download The Tapping Solution App now and explore Dr. Mindy Pelz’s Fasting Support Tapping meditations!

Here are the sessions you can choose from: 

Note: Click the links above using your mobile device, or open the app and search for “Fasting”


More support from Dr. Mindy

Remember, fasting is not just a physical challenge to “get through” – it’s an opportunity to deepen your relationship with your body and yourself, and to promote healing. 

Dr. Mindy has a wealth of resources to support you along this journey. 

From her books to her masterclasses to her memberships and podcast, you’ll find all the tools you need to transform your fasting experience into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Be sure to check out her latest book, Eat Like a Girl, for recipes, inspiration and wisdom on Dr. Mindy’s “food as medicine” approach.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Jessica Ortner


  1. Pelz, Mindy. “Health Benefits of Fasting.”  Dr. Mindy Pelz.

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