
7 Reminders All Caregivers Need to Hear

Written by: Nick Ortner

Being a caregiver for another person is one of the most profound acts of kindness you can perform, but it’s also not without its challenges. 

It’s a journey that can be both rewarding and exhausting, filled with moments of both gratitude and overwhelm. 

If you’re a caregiver, I’m glad you are here. Today, we’ve got Linda Abbit here to provide support and to share some powerful reminders that all caregivers need to hear.

Introducing… Linda Abbit!

Linda Abbit is an eldercare professional and caregiver with more than 25 years of experience caring for her parents and other family members. 

Having worked for over ten years in the eldercare and healthcare professions, Linda holds a Master’s degree in Education and was a support group facilitator for the Alzheimer’s Association in Orange County for many years. Linda received the Caregiver of the Year Award by in 2009.

Linda is the author of The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself. She currently writes, speaks, leads workshops and assists family caregivers through her book and her Tender Loving Eldercare website.

Her motto is “Self-care is NOT selfish!”

7 Reminders All Caregivers Need To Hear

Linda was a family caregiver for over 25 years, and she’s dedicated her career to supporting caregivers around the world. She knows what the experience is like, and she knows just how tricky the journey can be.

Here’s what Linda wants you to know if YOU are walking the caregiving journey:

#1. You are not alone on this journey.

You aren’t the only one feeling this way, and you are not alone in your experiences. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you are surrounded by people who get it, and who can help support you.

#2. You are doing the best you can in a difficult circumstance.

You don’t have to be perfect. Simply show up, do your best with the resources you have, and keep moving forward.

#3. All of your feelings make sense.

No matter how you feel, your emotions are valid. Whether you feel overwhelm, guilt, grief, loneliness, or something else, there’s nothing wrong with you. Your feelings will ebb and flow, but they won’t last forever.

#4. You deserve the same care, compassion, and understanding you give others.

You are dealing with a lot, and self-compassion and self-acceptance can go a long way in helping you navigate this journey.

#5. It’s okay to ask for support.

No one should have to do this all on their own. There are people and resources who can support you. Create a team of support around you to help you through.

#6. You will find your way one step at a time.

Even if there are a lot of unknowns and challenges ahead of you, you are strong and capable, and you will figure it all out as you go. You will cross each bridge when it comes.

#7. You have permission to rest.

You can be an excellent caregiver, AND take care of yourself, too. Your needs matter. Taking care of yourself and taking breaks for rest helps you show up as your best self. Remember – self-care is NOT selfish!

With these reminders fresh in your mind, it’s a great time to take another step towards nurturing your own well-being. 

If you’d like to practice some well-deserved self-care right now, then it’s time to try some Tapping!

Calling all caregivers: Come tap with us in the App!

We are so grateful to Linda, who lent her insights, wisdom, and guidance to The Tapping Solution App to create the Caregiver Support Collection

This collaboration is so exciting for us, because we’ve heard from SO many of you over the years that caregiving is an area where you’ve been seeking support. And so to have a caregiver develop these sessions for us is a dream come true.

With the help of Tapping, you can honor and acknowledge all of the emotions you are experiencing, help calm your body and mind, and allow yourself to navigate this journey with greater self-compassion and ease.

Explore our Caregiver Support Category to find a topic that resonates with you. Here are the sessions we currently have to offer:

  • Caregiver Support: Releasing Loneliness & Cultivating Connection 
  • Caregiver Support: Releasing Overwhelm
  • Caregiver Support: Burnout Recovery
  • Caregiver Support: Navigating the Unknowns
  • Caregiver Support: Releasing Resentment
  • Caregiver Support: Letting Go of Guilt

Here’s what people have been saying about these Tapping meditations:

“I loved this session! As a parent of a child with significant disabilities this is just what I needed today.”

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Thank you so much for creating these sessions. They are of great value in maintaining my personal self care while being a caregiver for my loved one. 💜”

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I did tapping around caring for the elderly this morning and I was amazed at the emotions that came up. I felt so much better afterwards when I was in with my elderly parents, both in their 90’s…The tapping was very helpful.

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If you are taking care of someone, maybe a family member that’s struggling mentally or health-wise. This is wonderful. If you’re burnt-out because of the care (emotional &/or physical) try this one. I went from a 10 to a 5!

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all of the caregiver tappings are exactly what I’ve been searching for. Thank you so much.
I started doing them last night – I’m going to do one every day. It’s great – thank you 🙏

Get the Support You Need: More from Linda Abbit

Are you a caregiver? Could you use some extra support as you navigate this journey?

Linda’s got a whole bunch of resources available to help.

First, you’ve got to check out Linda’s amazing book, The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself

This book is packed full of advice and lessons that Linda has gathered from her many years of experience. With everything from how to talk to your loved ones about the situation, how to stay financially secure during this time of life, and how to take the time to care for yourself, this guide can help better you care for your loved one and yourself at the same time.

Linda also currently writes, speaks, leads workshops, and assists family caregivers through her website, Tender Loving Eldercare.

Check out her work – I promise you’ll feel more supported, and you’ll learn invaluable tips and tricks to help you feel calmer and more empowered on your caretaking journey.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. If you try the Caregiver Support Tapping meditations, let us know what you think by leaving us a comment below! And if you have a reminder of your own you’d like to share with the caregiving community, post it in the comments 🙂

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