
Breathe In, Breathe Out: A Simple Exercise to Shift Your Day!

Written by: Nick Ortner

Today, I want to invite you to join me in doing a very simple exercise. It only takes a few minutes, but it’s super powerful!

It’s an exercise that helps me release what is no longer serving me, while welcoming in something that does. It’s also an exercise that helps me reflect on what might be helpful for me to Tap on, so that I can go even deeper with my Tapping practice and create profound shifts in my life.

Plus, it involves a couple of my favorite things – breathing and visualization! 😀

Here’s how it works:

We’re going to use our breath to visualize releasing something that doesn’t serve us, and then welcoming in something that does.

With each exhale, we will imagine something we want to let go of being released with that breath of air. We will visualize whatever isn’t helping us or serving us going out and away with the breath. 

And then with each inhale, we will imagine breathing in something that will nourish and support us. As we breathe in, we will visualize that thing we want to experience more of flowing inward and absorbing into every part of our being.

We’ll use a simple phrase to guide us as we breathe. Some examples of what this might sound like include:

Breathe out stress, breathe in peace.

Breathe out tension, breathe in ease.

Breathe out guilt, breathe in self-compassion. 

Breathe out judgment, breathe in acceptance.

Breathe out worry, breathe in gratitude.

Follow these simple steps to give this exercise a try for yourself:
  1. Take a moment to think about a word or short phrase to describe one thing you want to release today. Then, think about a word or short phrase to describe one thing you want to let in.
  2. With those reflections in mind, fill in the blanks: Breathe out ____, breathe in ____. 
  3. Begin to follow the natural rhythm of your breath in and out as you repeat that phrase in your mind.
  4. As you inhale and exhale, begin to visualize that statement coming to life. On the outbreath, imagine whatever it is you want to let go of leaving your body… imagine it flowing outwards and being released completely. And on your inbreath, imagine gathering up what you want more of. Visualize it pouring into you and bathing every cell of your body. 
  5. Repeat for several rounds of breath, for as long as feels necessary.

Nice work! 

If, through this process, you identify something in particular you either want to let go of OR anchor in even more, then I encourage you to use Tapping to take this practice even deeper!

Tapping is a great tool to help release emotions, thoughts, habits, or beliefs that you want to let go of. And it’s also a great tool to help you boost the emotions, thoughts, habits, or beliefs you want to welcome into your life and enhance even more. 

So go open up The Tapping Solution App, and then type the words or phrases that resonated with you today into the search bar. Pick a meditation that fits your needs, and get Tapping!

Thanks for trying this practice with me today! 

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner 

P.S. What words or phrases did you pick today? Share in the comments below!

P.P.S. If you want to incorporate breathing into your Tapping practice, we’ve got a meditation you’ll love! It’s called Turn Your Day Around: Tapping for Anxiety, Tap and Breathe. Check it out now.

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