
A Comprehensive Guide to the Gallbladder Meridian Points in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Written by: Nick Ortner

From indecision to headaches, from stress to digestive issues… what if all these seemingly unrelated issues had a common thread? Meet the gallbladder meridian, a key element from traditional Chinese medicine that can influence both your physical health and emotional wellbeing. 

So what exactly is the gallbladder meridian? And can you really relieve stress, boost courage, and ease digestive issues through the simple act of tapping on the side of your eye (a gallbladder meridian point)? Let’s find out. 

What is the gallbladder meridian? 

In Western medicine, we know the gallbladder as an organ that stores and concentrates bile, aiding in the digestive process.

But according to traditional Chinese medicine, an ancient practice dating back thousands of years (making it one of the most enduring systems of medicine in human history), the gallbladder is much more than that. 

In this ancient healing practice, the gallbladder isn’t just considered a physical organ, but also a part of a complex energy system known as the meridian system, influencing both our physical and emotional wellbeing. 

The gallbladder meridian is one of the 12 primary meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, each corresponding to a different organ in the body. These major meridians are like energy highways, through which vital life force energy flows. Each meridian is connected to specific bodily functions and emotional processes. 

The gallbladder meridian has a symmetrical pair of pathways running along both sides of the body. It starts from the outer corner of each eye and travels down either side of the body to the fourth toe. 

Along this pathway are several key points, called acupoints, each with specific benefits and functions. Activating these acupoints is thought to restore energy flow and balance, alleviate various physical or emotional issues, and promote healing in mind and body.

The role of the gallbladder in traditional Chinese medicine

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder meridian is thought to be associated with:

  • Digestion
  • Muscle health
  • Vision and eye health
  • Decision making and judgment
  • Courage and assertiveness
  • Planning and execution of ideas
  • Processing emotions, particularly frustration and anger

The gallbladder meridian plays important roles in both emotional and physical health, making it a gateway to greater wellbeing in mind, body, and spirit.

What are the symptoms of gallbladder meridian imbalance? 

An imbalance in the gallbladder meridian can manifest in various ways:

Physical symptoms:

  • Headaches, particularly migraines
  • Neck, shoulder, or hip pain
  • Digestive issues, especially related to fatty foods
  • Eye problems or blurred vision

Emotional symptoms:

  • Indecisiveness
  • Frustration or repressed anger
  • Lack of courage or assertiveness
  • Difficulty coping with stress

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, supporting your gallbladder through techniques like acupressure or EFT Tapping that access the gallbladder meridian points may help you find relief.

What are the gallbladder meridian points?

The gallbladder meridian starts at an acupoint point on the side of the eye, travels down the side of the body, and ends on an acupoint on the fourth toe. 

Along this pathway are a total of 44 gallbladder meridian points. Key points can be found at the base of the skull, on the top of the shoulder, on the hip, below the knee, and more.

Each of these points can be stimulated through various methods, including acupuncture, acupressure, and of course EFT Tapping, to address specific imbalances and promote overall wellbeing. 

How to use EFT Tapping to address gallbladder imbalances

EFT Tapping offers a simple yet powerful way to work with the gallbladder meridian. 

The first gallbladder meridian point, located on the side of the eye, is one of the 9 main Tapping points used in the traditional EFT Tapping sequence. 

To support gallbladder meridian balance, healthy energy flow, and to address gallbladder-related issues, you can simply gently tap on this point. Tap gently using your fingertips right on the bone outside of your eye, while focusing on the specific symptom or emotion related to gallbladder imbalance (such as trouble making a decision, frustration, or digestive discomfort).

You can also go through the entire EFT Tapping sequence, which incorporates the gallbladder meridian point on the side of the eye, to address any symptoms or emotions you might be struggling with. You can learn the basics of how to do EFT Tapping in this comprehensive guide.

And if you’re interested in diving deeper into using Tapping for gallbladder meridian imbalance or other concerns, try a guided session in The Tapping Solution App today!

By regularly incorporating EFT Tapping into your routine, you may notice shifts in how you feel physically and emotionally. Give it a try and see what you think! 

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner

P.S. Have you tried EFT Tapping for any of these gallbladder-related issues? Have you noticed improvements in your decision-making abilities or emotional processing? In physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, or eye strain? 

Let us know in the comments below

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