
How to Rewire Your Brain: A Science-Backed Guide to Creating True, Lasting Change in Your Life

Written by: Nick Ortner

– “Ugh, why did I say that?”

– “I shouldn’t have skipped my workout today.”

– “I can’t stop worrying about…”

Sound familiar? Whether it’s negative thoughts that won’t quit, habits you can’t seem to break, anxiety that runs on autopilot, or old emotional patterns that keep showing up, it can feel impossible to create the changes in our lives that we are longing for. It can feel like your brain is stuck on a loop you didn’t choose and can’t control.

But here’s the game-changing truth: you can literally rewire your brain to think, feel, and act differently. Thanks to neuroplasticity – your brain’s natural ability to create new neural pathways – lasting transformation is possible. And it’s not about forcing positive thinking or struggling against yourself. It’s about working with your brain’s natural capacity for change.

In this guide, you’ll discover science-backed techniques to break free from old patterns and create new ones that serve you better… and make way for the life you’ve been dreaming of. 

Understanding brain rewiring: the science of neuroplasticity

Before diving into specific techniques for how to rewire your brain, it’s important to understand how this all works.

Your brain is truly an incredible thing. Right now, as you read these words, billions of neurons are firing in specific patterns – patterns that determine how you think, feel, and respond to everything in your life. Some of these patterns serve you well. Others… not so much.

Think of your brain like a vast forest. Over the years, certain paths through this forest have become well-worn trails. These are your habitual thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors. 

Every time you worry about the future, replay that embarrassing moment, or react to stress in a particular way – those neural pathways become stronger – like a trail becoming wider and more established with repeated, frequent use.

Here’s the challenge: once these neural pathways are established, your brain tends to default to them automatically – even when they’re no longer helpful. It’s like your brain’s GPS is stuck routing you down the same old road, even though there might be better ways to reach your destination.

Now for the exciting part. Thanks to neuroplasticity, you can actually create new paths. You can build highways of calm where anxiety trails once dominated. You can forge routes of confidence where self-doubt used to lead the way.

This isn’t just positive thinking or wishful theory. Scientists can actually observe these changes using brain imaging technology. When you consistently practice new ways of thinking and responding, your brain physically changes. New neural connections form. Old ones that aren’t used begin to fade. This is why we say you can literally rewire your brain.

The good news? Your brain starts forming these new connections immediately when you try something new, and it reinforces them the more you repeatedly and consistently practice new ways of being, thinking, and responding. That’s how they become your brain’s new, preferred routes.

This means you’re not stuck with old thought patterns or behaviors – you can literally rewire your brain for more positive outcomes. And that can lead to the transformation you’ve been seeking all along.

6 proven ways to rewire your brain

Here are the most effective techniques for rewiring your brain, backed by neuroscience:

1. Novel experiences

Trying new things forces your brain to create new neural pathways. It’s like going off trail and forging your way through the brush, so that a new path can begin to form.

A great way to start rewiring your brain for new patterns is to do things differently than you are used to, to change up your routine, or to go out of your comfort zone to experience something novel. 

You might try:

  • Learning new skills 
  • Changing daily routines (even walking or driving a different route than usual can make a difference)
  • Engaging in novel activities
  • Challenging yourself regularly

2. Cognitive restructuring

Our thoughts play a huge role in how our brain is patterned. The more we think a certain thought, the more it becomes a habit for us to think that way. But the good news is, we can change our habits!

Cognitive restructuring involves becoming aware of our thought patterns, and then actively challenging and changing those thoughts that no longer serve us well. Unhelpful thoughts that we can challenge and repattern might sound like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t ever be successful” or “I’m always messing up at work.” 

To get started with cognitive restructuring:

  • Start to notice your thoughts and become aware of your “habits of thought” 
  • Identify specific negative thought patterns that don’t serve you and get in your way
  • Gently question the validity of those thoughts, and explore what else might be possible
  • Create alternative, more balanced thoughts that are supportive and helpful to you and your goals
  • Reinforce new thinking patterns by consistently practicing the new thoughts and repeating them to yourself as often as possible

If we want to create changes in our lives, we need to start thinking differently – in a way that supports our goals and supports the outcomes we want. 

3. EFT Tapping

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping is one of the most powerful tools for rewiring your brain’s responses.

This scientifically-validated technique combines elements of cognitive restructuring with physical stimulation of acupressure points to literally rewire your brain’s stress response.

Research shows that Tapping can create measurable changes in brain activity. This process can help to:

  • Calm the amygdala (your brain’s stress center)
  • Break old stress and anxiety patterns
  • Create new neural pathways associated with calm and safety
  • Build new, more positive emotional responses and thought patterns

(Check out our infographic on how Tapping rewires the brain for more information)

As your brain calms down and your nervous system regulates, it opens you up to being able to make new, more empowered choices – not from a state of stress and fear but from a state of balance and clarity.

Just one hour of Tapping has been shown to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) by 43%, making it one of the fastest ways to start rewiring your brain’s stress response.

It works quickly, and can be extremely effective for creating changes in all areas of your life (including sleep, physical health, confidence, focus, performance, and more).

You can learn more about how Tapping rewires the brain in this video (plus, have a hands-on experience to feel it for yourself!)

4. Visualization

Mental rehearsal activates many of the same neural pathways as actually performing an action in real life. So visualizing the changes you want to experience can be an extremely helpful way to start rewiring your brain. 

Regular visualization can:

  • Strengthen desired neural pathways and outcomes
  • Enhance performance
  • Build confidence
  • Support behavioral change (which can in turn support neuroplasticity)

Get the in practice of imagining the changes you desire regularly. Activate all your senses when you visualize, to really bring your entire brain and being into the visualization. What will it look like, sound like, feel like when that change has been made? 

5. Physical exercise

Exercise promotes the production of BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), sometimes called “miracle grow” for the brain. Think of exercise as fertilizer for new neural pathways. Each time you move your body, you’re creating optimal conditions for brain change

This protein supports:

  • Formation of new neural connections
  • Enhanced learning and memory
  • Improved mood and cognitive function
  • Increased stress resilience

The more you move your body, the more you support your brain to rewire itself. Plus, it helps to improve mood, mental clarity, and energy, setting you up for more successful habit formation.

So find ways to incorporate natural, enjoyable movement into your daily life – from walking to dancing to exercise classes to hiking. 

After all, when there is movement in your body, there is movement in your life! 

6. Sleep optimization

Quality sleep is crucial for brain rewiring. Sleep isn’t just rest – it’s when your brain consolidates new neural connections. Think of it as the construction crew that builds permanent structures from your day’s blueprints

During sleep, your brain:

  • Consolidates new neural pathways
  • Clears out toxins
  • Processes emotional experiences
  • Strengthens new learning

On top of that, the time before sleep can be extremely powerful to help your brain rewire itself. When we are in that state of being between wakefulness and sleep, our brain is more receptive to new suggestions and new ways of thinking or being. This can be a great time to meditate, do Tapping, set intentions, repeat positive affirmations, or practice techniques like cognitive restructuring or visualiziation.

You can learn more about how sleep programming can enhance your brain rewiring process here.

How long does it take to rewire your brain?

While your brain begins forming new neural connections immediately when you try something new, research suggests it takes about three weeks to a couple month for new habits to become automatic. 

The exact timing depends on the complexity of the new pattern, how established the old pattern was, your consistency in practicing new behaviors, and the techniques you use to support the rewiring process.

And even though it can take weeks or months for new habits to really take root, you can often feel initial shifts much sooner. 

Pay attention to these early signs of change:

  • Catching yourself before old patterns fully activate
  • Recovering more quickly from stress
  • Noticing new, more helpful thoughts arising
  • Feeling more in control of your responses

Over time, you may notice more consistent, established changes that show your brain rewiring efforts are working – and holding in the long-run. These changes can include decreased emotional reactivity, new responses to old triggers, improved stress resilience, more positive thought patterns, increased self-compassion, and enhanced focus and clarity.

The key to getting to this place is persistence and using evidence-based methods like those listed above that support lasting change.

Practical tips for successful brain rewiring

To maximize your brain rewiring efforts:

  1. Start Small: Focus on one change at a time to avoid overwhelming your system
  2. Be Consistent: Practice your chosen techniques daily – regularity is key!
  3. Track Progress: Keep a journal of shifts you notice (which can help reinforce the changes – the more you focus on the positive changes, the more you’ll help your brain establish the new connections!)
  4. Combine Methods: Use multiple techniques that work for you, for even stronger results
  5. Stay Patient: Remember that lasting change takes time – especially if the old patterns have been there for a while!

Just like a trail needs regular use to remain clear, new neural pathways require consistent activation. The key is finding sustainable ways to practice new patterns daily.

The most common brain rewiring mistake (and how to avoid it)

The biggest mistake people make? Trying to force change through willpower alone. 

Remember: Rewiring your brain isn’t about fighting against old patterns or forcing yourself to change – it’s about creating new, more supportive patterns through consistent practice and repitition.

Think of it like learning to play an instrument. You wouldn’t expect to master the piano by forcing yourself to play perfectly and criticizing yourself when you don’t. Instead, you practice regularly, celebrate small improvements, and trust the slow, but transformative process of building new neural pathways.

Self-compassion is key!

Getting started with brain rewiring

Ready to start rewiring your brain for better outcomes? 

Download The Tapping Solution App today to access guided sessions specifically designed to help you rewire your brain’s default responses and build new, more positive patterns.

Remember, your brain has an amazing capacity to change, and it is rewiring itself every day – so why not direct that change intentionally? 

Start with just one technique from this guide and notice what shifts. Layer in other techniques slowly, as you make progress. With consistent practice and the right techniques, you can create lasting positive changes in how you think, feel, and respond to life’s challenges.

Your brain’s ability to change is one of your greatest superpowers. Time to put it to work for you.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Have you tried any of these brain rewiring techniques? Share your experience in the comments below!

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