
Bits and Pieces!

Written by: Nick Ortner

Nick-Snow-2014I hope you’re having a wonderful week.  We’ve had a ton of snowfall here in Connecticut, which makes for perfect book writing weather!

I’ve been working on my next book, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, due out in April of 2015.  Before then, Jessica will be bringing you The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence, published by Hay House and released this coming May.

I know how busy everyone is these days, so today I thought I’d share some “bite-sized” bits and pieces of info that you might find useful for your life.  Let me know what you think and if you find this format helpful.  🙂

Let me know if you find this format helpful by commenting below.


Tapping Tip: Stand Out in the World

email-criticized-quoteIf you want to stand out in the world, prepare to have SOME critics. Especially in this day and age, where everyone online has a voice and can easily spend 30 seconds ranting about what they don’t like about you, it’s going to happen!

And that’s OK because if you’re aligned with your purpose, with your message, with what you want to accomplish in your life and the world, you can see the criticism as a solid example of the fact that you’re getting out there. You can also use tapping to clear this fear of criticism.

Here’s an easy way:

1. Imagine you are out in the world, the way you want to be. That might mean your book is published, you’ve got that promotion, you’re doing whatever it is you most desire. Imagine it fully and feel it in your body.

2. Pay attention to the “oh, ohs…” that come up when you have this vision. You might see people criticizing you (or it could be a different issue altogether). Tap through the points, simply imagining your goal coming true, and whatever tension or stress comes up in your body when you do so. Keep tapping, imagining, feeling it, until you feel the resistance clear.

What’s getting in your way of success? Have you tapped on it?



“Fearful Memories Passed Down” 

TS-cartoonIn what is sometimes considered by outsiders of our “woo-woo” world of healing, we know intuitively the great influence that our ancestors can have on our current experience.

Now science is telling us we’ve been right all along! Use this knowledge to your benefit, tap to clear out genetic imprints!

This means that if you know your mother or father had a particularly traumatic experience or time period of fear, scarcity, anxiety, or whatever else, you can tap to clear that from your body. Play with it and let me know what you experience!

It’s OK if you don’t know the exact details, just guess at what they may have experienced, guess based on what you know and see what happens. 😉

Read more here:

“Fearful Memories Passed Down to Mouse Descendants” Genetic imprint from traumatic experiences carries through at least two generations.



Around the World!

Writing a book and having it do so well is obviously incredibly personally fulfilling, but I think my favorite part is seeing these foreign translations come in! It’s just outright fun!

I never know what the cover is going to look like, what language is next, but I get these little treats in the mail and can imagine people around the world sitting down, reading the book, and tapping.

Here’s a picture of the Bulgarian and Czech editions.

Bulgarian-Czech The Tapping Solution



The Tapping Solution: Foundation Update

nick-quote1This past weekend in Newtown, CT, Dr. Lori Leyden, director of the Foundation, and our lead trainers Jondi Whitis and Jade Barbee, led 27 people through a 2-day training on EFT.

We’ve trained over 150 people directly involved in helping people heal from the tragedy, but this group was an especially powerful one, including a CT state trooper who is going to bring it back to his colleagues, a teacher from Sandy Hook Elementary who is implementing daily tapping in her classroom, local psychologists and psychiatrists and more.

It’s thrilling to see that tapping is being accepted in such a profound way by the community.

In 2014, we’ll be sharing more resources with you as to how to bring tapping into your communities, including information on pilot programs in schools we’re currently running (and how you can run them as well), our work in prisons, and much more.  If you’re already making progress sharing tapping with groups and communities like this, we’d love to hear about it! Email and let us know what you’re up to.  Thank you for your continued support!


Leave us your comments below



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