
EFT and Chakras: Unlock Your Energy Centers with EFT Tapping

Written by: Nick Ortner

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as Tapping, is known for its ability to reduce stress, calm anxiety, and promote emotional healing. But what happens when we combine this powerful technique with another ancient energy system – the chakras? Together, EFT Tapping and the chakra system provide an integrative, holistic way to unblock energy, navigate strong emotions, and support your overall well-being.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to use EFT Tapping to unblock chakras and promote synergy in mind, body, and spirit. 

EFT Tapping and chakras: The perfect pair

Tapping to unblock chakras is an incredibly effective way to clear emotional and energetic blockages because it combines two potent systems of healing: the ancient wisdom of the chakras and the scientifically supported technique of EFT Tapping.

Chakras are believed to be the energy centers of the body. There are seven in total, each associated with different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual self. When these chakras are balanced and aligned, energy flows freely, promoting health and harmony. However, stress, trauma, and emotional pain can block or disrupt this flow, leading to physical or emotional discomfort.

EFT Tapping is a mind-body technique with roots in ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology that helps release stress, clear emotional blockages, and improve the flow of energy. By Tapping on specific meridian points (similar to acupressure points) while focusing on a specific issue, Tapping helps bring your body, mind, and emotions back into a calm and balanced state. 

When you combine EFT with chakra work, you are able to bring your chakras back into alignment. As you tap and focus on each of the chakras, you can release emotional and energetic blocks, allowing your chakras to return to their natural state of balance. This in turn can help promote healing in all areas of your life.

The benefits of chakra clearing with EFT Tapping

Many people find that Tapping through the chakras not only provides relief from physical symptoms but also helps resolve deeper emotional issues and promotes spiritual growth. 

Here are some of the potential benefits of chakra Tapping:

  1. Emotional Balance: As you release stuck emotions, you may experience deeper emotional healing.
  2. Improved Energy Flow: By clearing chakra blockages, you encourage better energy flow throughout your body.
  3. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: As you come back into balance and calm your mind, body, and spirit, you can feel more relaxed and at ease in your daily life. 
  4. Enhanced Creativity and Confidence: Clearing your chakras with Tapping can help you step into your power, boost creativity, and overcome self-doubt.
  5. Spiritual Growth: When your chakras are balanced and your nervous system is regulated with Tapping, you may feel more connected to yourself and the world around you, fostering a deeper sense of purpose and peace.

Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or a sense of being “stuck,” chakra tapping offers a holistic path to healing and self-discovery.

To learn more about the chakra system and the benefits of EFT chakra work, watch this interview with Carol Tuttle (you’ll even get to experience some chakra energy healing Tapping!)

How to do chakra Tapping with EFT

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to begin tapping through your chakras:

  1. Identify the block or area of focus: First, choose an area of your life that needs attention. Get specific, and focus on an emotion, belief, or physical sensation related to one of your chakras. For example, if you’re feeling insecure or ungrounded, this could indicate a blocked Root Chakra, and you may want to focus on that.
  2. Create a setup statement: Craft a statement that acknowledges the issue while accepting yourself. For example, “Even though I feel insecure and ungrounded, I accept myself and how I feel, and I’m open to bringing my root chakra back into alignment.”
  3. Begin Tapping: Tap on the side of the hand Tapping point while repeating your setup statement. 
  4. Tap through the points: Tap through the rest of the 9 traditional EFT Tapping points in order (Eyebrow, Side of the Eye, Under the Eye, Under the Nose, Under the Mouth, Collarbone, Under the Arm, Top of the Head).
  5. Use phrases specific to the chakra: As you tap, focus on the chakra and associate issue, using chakra-specific language. For example, for the Heart Chakra, you might say, “I’m struggling to forgive” and “I allow my heart chakra to begin to open.”
  6. Take a deep breath and Assess: After one round of Tapping, take a deep breath and notice how you feel. Continue Tapping through the points in order until you feel a sense of relief or balance.

New to Tapping or need a refresher? Here’s a guide to the Tapping basics, and here’s a breakdown of all the Tapping points

Chakra Tapping phrases

To guide you through the process, here are some chakra-specific Tapping phrases you can use as setup statements to get your Tapping rounds started:

  • Root Chakra: “Even though I feel unstable and unsafe, I choose to breathe deeply and ground myself now.”
  • Sacral Chakra: “Even though I’m struggling with my creativity, I allow my emotions to flow freely and joyfully.”
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: “Even though I’m lacking confidence, I step into my personal power with ease.”
  • Heart Chakra: “Even though I’m feeling hurt, I choose to open my heart to love and compassion.”
  • Throat Chakra: “Even though part of me is afraid to speak up, I choose to express myself with clarity and confidence.”
  • Third Eye Chakra: “Even though I sometimes feel unsure, I open myself up to intuitive guidance.”
  • Crown Chakra: “Even though I feel disconnected right now, I allow divine wisdom to flow through me.”

Root chakra Tapping meditation

Want to experience EFT chakra Tapping for yourself, right now? Here’s a short and sweet video aimed to balance the root chakra with the help of Tapping:

Note: This is a sample Quick Tap from The Tapping Solution App. To experience all 7 Chakra Tuneup sessions, download the App and type “chakras” in the search bar.

Combining EFT with other healing techniques to balance chakras

While EFT Tapping is powerful on its own, combining it with other healing modalities can enhance its effectiveness in balancing your chakras. Here are some complementary techniques you might consider:

  1. Visualization: As you tap, visualize each chakra as a spinning wheel of light, becoming brighter and clearer with each round of Tapping. This can deepen your connection to each energy center.
  2. Hypnotherapy: Combine self-hypnosis techniques with EFT to access deeper levels of consciousness and facilitate chakra healing.
  3. Crystal Healing: Hold or place crystals associated with specific chakras on your body while Tapping to amplify the energy work.
  4. Sound Therapy: Incorporate chakra-specific healing frequencies or mantras into your Tapping practice to resonate with and balance each energy center.
  5. Breathwork: Use specific breathing techniques aligned with each chakra as you tap to enhance energy flow and promote balance.

By integrating these complementary practices with EFT, you can create a holistic approach to chakra balancing that addresses your energy system on multiple levels. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you and your unique energy needs.

Using The Tapping Solution App for chakra clearing

By tapping through the chakras with EFT, you can release emotional blocks, improve energy flow, and promote healing on multiple levels. 

Whether you’re new to Tapping or a seasoned practitioner, integrating chakra work can deepen your experience and bring you closer to a state of balance and harmony.

If you’re curious about using EFT and chakra work together, download The Tapping Solution App today and start with one of our Chakra Tuneups meditations. 


This series of 2-minute guided video sessions will help you address each of the seven chakras as needed. Or, try our All 7 Chakra Tuneups session to bring harmony and balance to your entire chakra system. 

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  • Relieve chronic or occasional pain
  • Release anger, find peace

Additionally, for those looking for a deeper, more meditative experience, you can explore the Sleep Journey Into the Seven Chakras, a soothing guided meditation designed to balance your chakras as you drift off to sleep.

Have you done chakra Tapping? What’s you favorite way to combine the healing modalities of EFT and chakras? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. 

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner

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