
Something that feels GOOD

Written by: Nick Ortner

Every day, we face a countless number of CHOICES. Every moment really, we’re choosing what to think, what to do next, how to act.

Turn left or right? Check Facebook or go for a walk? Read the news or an inspiring book? Sit on the couch or exercise?

And with virtually all these choices, when faced with an “A” or “B” choice, we know which one will make us FEEL better. But all too often, we chose the choice that actually DOESN’T make us feel better (which is crazy of course and a much deeper discussion).

We choose the easy choice. We choose the patterned choice. We choose something that lowers our energy and feelings of well-being instead of increasing it.

So what to do?

Step 1: Start small. Make ONE different choice today. And I don’t care how big it is. A ten minute walk BEFORE sitting on the couch. Fantastic! 5 minutes of reading an inspiring book BEFORE reading the news. 2 minutes of Tapping BEFORE making that phone call. You did it!

Step 2: Make ONE different choice tomorrow.

Step 3: Rinse and repeat… 😉

Important Note:

As you do this, you don’t have to be perfect. One of the reasons so many of us “fail” in making the life changes we desire is that we hold this idealized picture of perfection, of how we “should” be acting, of how we should wake up at the crack of dawn, meditate for 30 minutes, then do yoga, then make the perfect breakfast, then be 100% loving and perfect and peaceful with everyone around us…and it goes on.

We have this perfect picture.

And when we realize that we can’t do it, when we think, consciously or subconsciously, that it’s too hard, we just GIVE UP. Think about this: If I told you you had to climb Mt. Everest this afternoon, like right now, you’d look at me and say, “No way. That’s crazy. I’m not prepared. I haven’t trained. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m not going to even START walking because there’s no point.”

That’s what you’re doing to yourself every day when you strive for “PERFECTION”. You don’t even take the first step, you don’t even start walking, because the mountain to climb is too big.

The life of your dreams, what you most dream of and desire, isn’t at the top of Mt. Everest. It’s literally one step away.

As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Take the first step right NOW.

P.S. Want an easy first step? Want an instant victory? Close your eyes for TEN seconds, take a few deep breaths, connect to your source and then come back here. Do it NOW. (Good job) 😉

Comment! Share with me below- did you take the ten seconds? What’s an easy first step you can choose to take today?

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