Imagine being in a situation where the rug was suddenly pulled out right from under your feet, leaving you in a financial crisis that threatened the livelihood of your family. That’s what happened to Teresa Mallon.
Check out her story below, and how she used Tapping to turn her whole situation around!
Teresa Mallon, a professional therapist and mother of three teenage boys, found herself in crisis a couple of years ago.
“My ex-husband stopped paying child support and my settlement disappeared. I was terrified, as in, madness kind of terror. I didn’t know what I was going to do to support my family, but I knew I had to do something.”
While searching online, she came across The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfilment program. She took a deep breath and registered.
“I’m a good therapist, but not a good business person,” Teresa explained. “The course had me go deeply into my money story, which was new.”
As she moved through each of the weekly tapping modules, things started to change. A year and a half prior to the course, Teresa had interviewed for a part-time job in a rehab facility. “While I was doing the tapping course, the supervisor from that job called out of the blue and asked if I could start that week.” This helped her increase her income.
“There was something about having a sense of employment that seemed to affect my private practice, which began to grow. In eight months, the rehab position became untenable. I chose to leave it, which was a big deal.”
Teresa’s private practice got so busy that she paid off a $13,000 credit card debt in six months without touching her savings. She remembers the joy and success she felt when posting about it on The Tapping Solution Facebook page. “Everyone got caught up in that joy. There was so much camaraderie. I felt really successful.”
Another Challenge Awaited
But last year, Teresa’s worry returned. She had kept her credit card balance at 0, but she also wasn’t saving. So she decided to go through the financial success course again. “The first time I didn’t get through all the modules. This time, I committed to the full 49 days.”
In Teresa’s personal life, her youngest son, Ethan, was the only one of his group of friends who didn’t attend a private school, because she couldn’t afford it. He was lonely and unhappy during his first two years.
“As I went through the financial success course, I realized that my son was being economically punished. His dad was not paying, like my dad didn’t. His dad had a huge inheritance but doesn’t share it with his kids. And I felt how unfair that was. I cried for him and I cried for me.”
During one module of the course, Teresa did a lot of tapping on family money blocks. After delving into it, and releasing a lot of old family patterns, she felt confident enough to call the private school and ask about fees. “I never would have done that before the course.”
She called the school and spoke with the registrar. “I told her the whole story about Ethan and then asked what the tuition was. She said it was $12,000 a year. I thought, well, that’s that.”
But then, she asked Teresa for more details about Ethan and Teresa and their family’s situation. “I told her he’d had a speech delay, that he’d been essentially abandoned financially by his dad, how unhappy he was at the state school. She told me she was going to send us a packet and to let me know if we wanted to come take a tour of the school.” Even though Teresa was still unsure, she felt glad she had made the call.
The Cycle Is Broken
Several days later, the registrar called Teresa. She said, “I took your story to the principal and he wants to help. Write a letter and blow Ethan’s trumpet. Include copies of his reports, and we’ll see what we can do.”
Teresa was stunned, and she quickly typed up a letter on the computer. But after sending it to her sister for review, she felt it was too formal, and that she needed to write it from the heart.
So Teresa completely rewrote the letter, in pen and ink, and put it with the packet in the mail.
Once the school received the packet, they set up a meeting with the principal, Teresa, and Ethan. At the end of that meeting, the principal thanked her for her handwritten letter, and told her how touching it was. Then the unimaginable happened.
He told Teresa he could offer Ethan a place at the school for $3,000 a year instead of $12,000. Then, the family of one of Ethan’s friends came forward, telling Teresa that they would give her $2,500 each term toward Ethan’s education!
“The outcome from this incredible story is that Ethan is not being economically punished. The cycle has been broken.”
Now, Ethan is thriving at his new school, and Teresa has fully integrated tapping into both her personal and professional lives.
What’s next for Teresa? “I’d like to write a book about how tapping changed my life. Before tapping, I never would have thought I could do anything like that.”
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Teresa. Truly inspiring!
We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience financial and emotional freedom, so we’ve created a financial success home study course for you called The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.
And as you can see in Teresa’s story above, the ancestral patterns of money can be broken. Your story doesn’t have to be your children’s story.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their finances, or who is just looking for a more fulfilling life, you can begin by downloading the free guide below.

Start Tapping Today - Free Guide!
Discover the 103 disempowering beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the money and success you desire.Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
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