Sometimes, what you think you want and you really want are two different things. Getting out of your daily routine can often be the catalyst to finding that personal fulfillment you’re seeking, just like Carol experienced below.
Last December, Carol Frances was on an eight-week leave from her job after shoulder surgery. While scrolling through her social media feed, she came across a post from The Tapping Solution. “I was bored so I had a look. I did the first meditation on The Tapping Solution site and was blown away.”
Carol very much wanted to do Nick’s Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment 7-week course but felt she couldn’t afford it. “My sister pointed out that I’d taken a crystal workshop, a Reiki training, and a therapy course that was much more expensive, but I’d found a way. I discovered that Nick offered a monthly payment plan, so I gave it a go.”
Carol explains that she was most interested in the personal fulfillment aspect of the course than financial success. She felt stuck for a long time and wanted a more fulfilling life.
The first week, to Carol’s surprise, she cried throughout all of her tapping sessions.
“Whatever I tapped on, something would come up, some emotional situation from the past. I was amazed that I had so much anger. I’d done a lot of work on myself over the years. I thought I’d already done a lot of clearing.”
These old issues, Carol discovered, were affecting her financial and personal life.
During the first week, she felt completely overwhelmed with what came out, so she decided to repeat Week One a second time. By the end, she felt clear and calm.
“I was able to start seeing how I viewed myself, where I am, and the self-imposed obstacles. I saw that I wasn’t being held back, but rather I was holding myself back with my attitude. I didn’t see that before because of my anger. It was quite transformative.”
The second week of the program brought even more insights to Carol.
“We were directed to write down what our goals were. I thought my goals were to were pay off my mortgage, go for a more senior position at work, buy a car, and finish sorting out my aging mom’s finances.”
By the end of the second week, she realized those goals weren’t actually what she wanted.
“I decided I wanted to work less, so I dropped some of my hours, which made things easier on me physically. I also realized that being alone in doing my mother’s finances wasn’t because I didn’t have help; it was because I hadn’t asked. Tapping helped me open up and get my mom sorted more easily.”
After Carol went part-time at her job, she assumed she couldn’t afford a new car, so she put that goal aside. But then, her current vehicle broke down, and she needed a new one anyway.
“I don’t know how I’m doing it. I’ve dropped hours, which means lower wages each month, but I’m not in the red.”
Now Carol taps every morning. “When I am going to work, I get up 15 minutes earlier to meditate. I usually do Jessica’s morning clearing meditation, which keeps me calm while getting to work. Then if I have something that comes up during the day, I tap on it.”
Carol offers this advice for people considering Tapping: “Just try it. It’s so worthwhile. You learn so much about yourself, it helps you deal with stress in your life, and there are just so many benefits.”
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Carol.
We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience financial and emotional freedom, so we’ve created a financial success home study course for you called The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.
And as you can see in Carols’s story above, it goes much deeper than just improving your financial situation.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their finances, or who is just looking for a more fulfilling life, you can begin by downloading the free guide below.

Start Tapping Today - Free Guide!
Discover the 103 disempowering beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the money and success you desire.Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
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