
Tapping for Confidence: From Self-Doubt to Self-Assurance with EFT Tapping

Written by: Nick Ortner

Self-confidence isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s a crucial ingredient for success and fulfillment in all areas of life. Our level of confidence influences our careers, our relationships, our body image, and our big life decisions. Yet for many, it remains elusive. We all have those moments when our confidence wavers, whether it’s before a big presentation, during a social gathering, or simply when looking in the mirror. If you’ve tried affirmations, self-help books, or other methods without lasting results, it’s time to explore EFT Tapping for confidence. 

This unique technique offers a path to rewiring your brain for greater self-assurance, so you can live a big, full life where you go after what you want.

And the best part? It’s something you can learn and apply right now.

How does EFT Tapping help with self-confidence?

EFT Tapping is a powerful mind-body technique that draws on the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, calm the nervous system, and reduce strong emotions like fear and anxiety. 

When it comes to confidence, Tapping can help you:

  1. Release limiting beliefs about yourself: Tapping helps you identify and release deep-rooted beliefs that hold you back, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed.” By addressing these beliefs directly, you can start to replace them with more empowering thoughts.
  2. Reduce anxiety in challenging situations: When facing nerve-wracking scenarios like public speaking or job interviews, Tapping can quickly calm your nervous system, allowing you to approach these situations with greater ease and confidence – so you can show up as your authentic self. 
  3. Quiet your inner critic: We all have that nagging voice that questions and judges us – and does it’s best to limit our potential. Tapping provides a powerful tool to acknowledge and then quiet this inner critic, allowing your authentic, confident self to shine through.
  4. Increase feelings of self-worth and self-acceptance: Through consistent Tapping, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance. This forms the foundation of lasting confidence.
  5. Address past events: Often, low self-esteem stems from negative past experiences. Tapping provides a gentle way to process these experiences, reducing their emotional charge and freeing you to build new, confident beliefs about yourself.
  6. Release resistance to taking action: Fear of failure often holds us back from moving forward in our lives or trying new things. Tapping can help you release this fear, making it easier to take the actions that build confidence.
  7. Boost overall emotional resilience: By regularly practicing Tapping, you develop greater emotional flexibility. This means you can bounce back more quickly from setbacks, maintaining your confidence even in challenging times.
  8. Rewire neural pathways: Tapping helps create new, positive neural connections in the brain. Over time, this can shift your default state away from years of negative programming to a state of greater confidence and self-assurance.

By addressing the root causes of low self-confidence, EFT Tapping for confidence can help you build a stronger, more positive sense of self from the inside out.

It’s not about forcing yourself to be confident or faking it, but rather removing the blocks that have been holding your natural authentic, full self from shining through.

EFT Tapping sequence for confidence

Completely new to Tapping? Go here to learn the Tapping basics and familiarize yourself with the Tapping points here

Here’s a basic Tapping sequence to boost confidence in an area of your life where self-doubt is showing up:

Step 1: Identify the issue

Think of a specific situation where you lack confidence or notice self-doubt showing up. Be as precise as possible when identifying the area you’d like to work on.

Step 2: Assess how you feel

When you think about the situation, how much self-doubt or anxiety shows up? Rate the intensity of your self-doubt on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being you feel completely unsure of yourself and not at all confident, and 0 being you feel totally confident and at ease. 

Step 3: Compose a setup statement

Form a setup statement that acknowledges the issue while accepting yourself. For example:

“Even though I don’t feel confident about the presentation at work, I deeply and completely accept myself.” or “Even though my inner voice is saying I’m not good enough to do this, I am safe and okay in this moment.”

Step 4: Move through the Tapping sequence

While repeating your setup statement three times, tap on the Side of the Hand point. Then, tap through the following points in order while focusing on your feelings about the situation. You can also speak out loud about the issue while you tap through the points. 

  • Eyebrow
  • Side of the Eye
  • Under the Eye
  • Under the Nose
  • Under the mouth
  • Collarbone
  • Under the Arm
  • Top of the Head

Phrases you might repeat to yourself as you tap might include: 

  • “This lack of confidence” 
  • “I don’t feel good enough”
  • “What if I fail?”
  • “I’m so nervous about this”
  • “I wish I felt more confident”

Step 5: Reassess and repeat

After completing one round of Tapping, take a deep breath and reassess your intensity level using the 0 to 10 scale. If you feel more confident and self-assured, your new number will be lower. Repeat step 4, Tapping through the points while thinking about the issue, as many times as needed until you feel a shit. 

Step 6: Tap through the points again while moving towards the positive

Once  you’ve released some of the self-doubt and resistance to confidence, you can do a final round of Tapping while encouraging your confidence to grow. 

As you tap through the points in the same order as listed above, repeat empowering statements to yourself, or even imagine yourself in the situation feeling confident, assured, and at ease. 

Phrases you might repeat to yourself this time might include: 

  • “I choose to believe in myself”
  • “I’m open to feeling more confident”
  • “I’m stronger than I think”
  • “I’m learning to trust myself”
  • “I can handle whatever comes my way”
  • “It’s safe to feel confident”
  • “I’m building my confidence every day”


Step 7: Take a deep breath and stop Tapping

Congratulations, you’ve done it! You can repeat as necessary, adjusting the wording and length of Tapping to address your current needs in the moment. 

Be patient and kind with yourself as you begin practicing Tapping for confidence. Take it at your own pace, and know that any Tapping you do – even just a few minutes per day – is making a difference. 

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Guided Tapping for self-esteem and confidence 

My brother Alex guides a really amazing Tapping sequence in the video below to help you raise confidence and feel more self-assured. If you watch, you’ll also learn 6 things you can do to build self-esteem and confidence in any or all areas of your life:

[embed this podcast episode video here]

You will also find tons of guided Tapping meditations for confidence and self-esteem in The Tapping Solution App

Here are just a few of the session titles you can choose from when you download the app: 

  • 5-Day Confidence Series
  • Workplace Confidence
  • Instant Boost of Courage
  • I Have the Confidence I Need to Get Started Quick Tap
  • My Confidence Grows Every Day Quick Tap
  • You Are Enough
  • Quieting the Critical Voice
  • Building Confidence Affirmations
  • Increase Self-Confidence Sleep Programming
  • Confidence for Kids
  • Weight Loss & Body Confidence Category

Our 5-Day Confidence Challenge in The Tapping Solution App is a huge game changer for so many people. 

On average, previous challenge participants felt 50% better when it came to being confident in their lives, taking action, stepping outside of their comfort zone, quieting their inner critic, and more! 

True stories of Tapping for self-confidence

Tapping has proven time and time again to be a powerful tool for releasing limiting beliefs and helping people step into their true potential. 

Here is just a small sample of the stories we hear every single day about Tapping for confidence: 

“I’m beginning to stand in my power. Finally! Confidence rising.” 


“Tapping has changed my life by giving me an amazing tool to help rediscover and realign with who I am meant to be by providing me with confidence and clarity. Allowing flow and ease to my day!” 


“I have made decisions that I had put off for 8 years. Ended a difficult relationship, moved, started a new career. All without anxiety, less stress, more self confidence, less procrastination and so much more energy and happiness. Seriously, this has been nothing less than a miracle.” 


“Tapping is the ultimate in self care. I can not recommend it enough based on my own experience of managing anxiety, self-image, confidence, and more.” 


“I’ve been doing increasing self confidence every night before bed and wake up feeling more refreshed, in a better mood and a general sense of well-being despite any outside circumstances. LOVE it!”


“I am feeling confident and calm in my body. I am empowered to face what lies ahead with confidence.” 


“Years of therapy couldn’t get me to the root of my problem, my feelings of inadequacy. 3 days of tapping and I’ve isolated the issue. I have every confidence that Tapping is going to help me solve this issue.” 


Ready to start your journey to self-confidence? Tapping resources to guide your way

Learning how to build ourselves up, treat ourselves with kindness, and believe in ourselves is a key skill to learn. 

With Tapping, you have a tool to help you learn that skill and practice it every single day – so you can walk through life feeling more confident and at ease. 

With consistent practice, you’ll likely find yourself feeling more confident and empowered in all areas of your life.

Download The Tapping Solution App today to find all sorts of resources to support you on your confidence journey. 

And be sure to check out these additional resources:

Have you tried EFT Tapping for confidence? What did you like or not like about it? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Until next time… Keep Tapping! 

Nick Ortner

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