Those persistent, unwanted thoughts that keep popping into your head uninvited… They can be exhausting, distressing, and sometimes even frightening. If you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts, you’re not alone. Whether it’s recurring worries, disturbing mental images, or obsessive thoughts that won’t quiet down, there’s a powerful technique that might help: EFT Tapping for intrusive thoughts.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use the Tapping technique for intrusive thoughts to finally find relief and regain peace in your mind.
What is Tapping for intrusive thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are those unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that seemingly come from nowhere and cause significant distress. While everyone experiences occasional unwanted thoughts, they become problematic when they occur frequently, cause intense anxiety, or interfere with daily life.
Common types of intrusive thoughts include:
- Repeated worries about safety or harm
- Unwanted violent or aggressive images
- Persistent doubts or “what if” scenarios
- Fear of acting on unwanted impulses
- Obsessive thoughts about contamination or cleanliness
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping offers a unique solution by combining ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. The Tapping technique for intrusive thoughts involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points on your body while acknowledging and processing these specific thoughts.
This powerful technique helps by:
- Calming the amygdala (your brain’s fear center) to reduce anxiety
- Breaking the cycle of obsessive thinking
- Decreasing the emotional charge of intrusive thoughts
- Promoting acceptance, self-compassion, and self-awareness.
- Creating new neural pathways for healthier, more empowering thought patterns
Step-by-step guide to Tapping for intrusive thoughts
If you are new to Tapping and want a breakdown of the basics, check out our comprehensive beginner’s guide to EFT Tapping. And if you are looking for specific Tapping techniques for OCD, go here.
When you’re ready to give it a try, here’s how to use EFT Tapping when intrusive thoughts arise:
Step 1: Rate Your Distress
Before starting, notice the intrusive thought that has been bothering you. How intense does the intrusive thought feel, on a scale from 0 to 10 (with 10 being it feels the most intense and powerful, and 0 being it doesn’t have any charge behind it at all).
Step 2: Tap on the Side of the Hand While Repeating a Setup Statement
While tapping on the Side of the Hand point, repeat a setup statement that acknowledges the thought, while also accepting yourself and how you feel.
- “Even though I can’t stop thinking [fill in the blank], I deeply and completely accept myself”
- “Even though this thought keeps running through my mind, I accept how I feel and I am safe to breathe in this moment”
- “Even though this thought feels so true in this moment, I acknowledge that it is just a thought, and I am open interrupting this pattern”
Step 3: Tap Through the Points
Moving through each of the points below in order, tap while expressing your feelings about the intrusive thoughts.
You can repeat “reminder phrases” to yourself while you tap through the points (like “These unwanted thoughts about [fill in the blank],” “I feel out of control, or “I wish these thoughts would stop”). Or, simply think about whatever is distressing you and reflect on how it makes you feel as you tap.

Tapping point sequence:
- Eyebrow
- Side of the Eye
- Under the Eye
- Under the Nose
- Under the Mouth
- Collarbone
- Under the Arm
- Top of the Head
Step 4: Move Toward the Positive
After a round or two focusing on the problem and releasing the charge of the thought, begin shifting toward more empowering statements as you continue tapping through the points in sequence.
As you release the charge of the unhelpful thought patterns, you can now rewire more positive, empowering thoughts in their place.
Some affirmations you may repeat as you tap could include:
- “I am more than my thoughts”
- “I can observe these thoughts without engaging with them”
- “I choose to remain calm”
- “These thoughts are just thoughts; they cannot harm me.”
- “I am safe and in control”
Step 5: Reassess How You Feel
Stop Tapping, and take a deep breath. Then, tune back into the strength of the original intrusive thought. How intense does it feel now, on the same 0 to 10 scale? If your number is still higher than you’d like and the thought still has more of a hold on you than you’d like, go back to the beginning and repeat the process, adjusting the words you use to fit how you feel now. Keep repeating until you feel a shift.
Struggling with intrusive thoughts about memories from the past and want to take your Tapping experience even deeper? Learn about a powerful technique called the Gamut Point Procedure here.
When to seek additional support when using Tapping for obsessive thoughts
While Tapping can be incredibly effective for managing intrusive thoughts, it’s important to note that persistent intrusive thoughts may be a sign of underlying conditions and may require professional support.
Always reach out to a qualified mental health professional when you are struggling and need support.
Many therapists now incorporate EFT Tapping into their treatment approaches, offering a powerful combination of professional support and effective self-help techniques.
Ready to start Tapping away intrusive thoughts?
Tapping for obsessive thoughts is a powerful way to help you break free from the thought patterns that hold you back, so you can feel more free and find more peace in your daily life.
The Tapping Solution App offers guided Tapping meditations specifically designed to help with intrusive and obsessive thoughts. Some relevant sessions include:
- Help Me Stop Overthinking
- Change Unhelpful Thought Patterns
- Quiet My Racing Mind
- Stop a Panic Attack
- Help Me Stop Assuming the Worst
- Quieting the Critical Voice
- I Am More Than My thoughts
Download The Tapping Solution App today to access these and hundreds of other guided Tapping meditations.
Remember, while intrusive thoughts can feel overwhelming, you’re not alone and you’re not powerless.
With consistent practice of the Tapping technique for intrusive thoughts, many people find significant relief and develop a healthier relationship with their thoughts over time.
Have you tried Tapping for intrusive thoughts? Share your experience in the comments below.
Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
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