
Tapping for Money: A Complete Guide to Financial Freedom with EFT

Written by: Nick Ortner

Money is often a source of endless anxiety, frustration, and self-doubt. We chase it, we fear it, we resent it, we desire it… It’s something a lot of us have a complicated relationship with! But what if the key to financial freedom and abundance isn’t hidden in some secret investment strategy or get-rich-quick scheme, but in releasing the blocks we have around money and reprogramming our minds for financial success? This is where the revolutionary practice of Tapping for money comes in. 

Imagine waking up each morning feeling confident and empowered about your financial future, rather than stressed and overwhelmed. Picture yourself making financial decisions from a place of clarity and abundance, instead of scarcity and fear. Envision a life where money flows to you easily and effortlessly, supporting your dreams and allowing you to make a positive impact in the world. 

This is the reality that thousands of people have created for themselves through the practice of EFT Tapping for money. And in this comprehensive guide, we’re going to show you how you can do it too.

What is Tapping for money?

Tapping for money is the practice of using EFT Tapping techniques to address beliefs, emotions, and blocks related to finances and abundance. The process involves gently tapping on specific acupoints on your body while focusing on money-related issues or goals.

Tapping (also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT) is a powerful mind-body approach that combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology to help you release limiting beliefs, reduce financial stress, create a more abundant mindset, and manifest the financial abundance you desire..

EFT Tapping works by sending calming signals to the amygdala, the part of your brain responsible for the stress response and for processing emotions. 

When it comes to money and wealth, many of us carry deep-seated fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs that trigger our stress response and impact our ability to problem solve, think creatively, and embrace new opportunities – ultimately blocking us from the financial security we desire.

EFT Tapping for financial abundance helps interrupt these old patterns that hold us back, allowing us to reprogram our brain for financial success and open ourselves up to new, more empowering perspectives and behaviors.

By reducing stress and anxiety around money, Tapping creates the mental and emotional space needed to make better financial decisions and attract more abundance into your life.

How EFT Tapping for money can help you transform your financial future

Using EFT for money, wealth, and abundance can help in several key ways. When you tap you may:

  • Release limiting beliefs about money (like this common one about money and spirituality)
  • Reduce financial stress and anxiety
  • Increase confidence in your ability to earn and manage money
  • Overcome money blocks and self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Align your energy with abundance and wealth
  • Enhance your ability to recognize and act on financial opportunities
  • Improve your overall relationship with money

Whether you’re drowning in debt, stuck in a cycle of underearning, or simply ready to uplevel your financial game, EFT Tapping offers a unique and scientifically-backed approach to reprogramming your brain and transforming your money mindset from the inside out. 

How to do Tapping for money: Putting it into practice

If you’re brand new to Tapping or need a refresher on the basics, you can go here to learn all about Tapping and how to do it.

And if you’re ready to dive in and learn how to do the tapping technique for money, give one of the videos below a try! 

The first is a short and sweet Tapping meditation (just one-minute long) to release stress about money, and the second is a 15-minute session on Tapping for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm that can help you dig a little deeper. 

Give one a try to experience EFT Tapping for wealth and abundance for yourself!

Are You Stressed About Money? 60-second Tapping meditation

15-minute Tapping for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm session


Tips for effective money Tapping

Interested in using Tapping to be able to earn more money? Here are some important tips to keep in mind when trying out EFT Tapping for financial abundance.

  1. Be specific: The more precise you can be about your money concerns or goals, the more effective your Tapping will be.
  2. Address root causes: Often, our money issues stem from childhood experiences or societal conditioning. Don’t be afraid to dig deep when using the tapping technique for money.
  3. Tap regularly: Consistency is key. Even 5-10 minutes of daily Tapping can lead to significant shifts over time.
  4. Combine with action: While EFT for wealth is powerful, it works best when paired with practical financial steps like budgeting, saving, and investing wisely. Use Tapping to help motivate yourself to take action on what’s most important to you.
  5. Stay open to possibilities: As you tap, remain receptive to new ideas and opportunities that may arise to improve your financial situation. This is when EFT Tapping for abundance can really surprise you – in the best of ways!
  6. Be patient with yourself: Financial transformation is a journey. It takes time to reprogram your brain for financial success. So celebrate small wins and be compassionate with yourself along the way.

EFT Tapping for wealth and abundance: Real-life success stories

Dawn Power had always made a point of avoiding the word MONEY. Growing up, discussing money had been off limits. As an adult, even as a business owner, she remained unable to talk about it.

Then one day, after Tapping on a conversation she’d had about money, she had a breakthrough! As a result, her income doubled within a single week! Read Dawn’s full money story here.

Dawn’s experience is just one of thousands I’ve heard over the years of people having massive money breakthroughs with the help of EFT Tapping. Here are a few more highlights: 

So far amazing results I just changed jobs and got a massive raise, paid off a bunch of credit card debt, and I am seriously working on two business ideas…  The best part is the negative chatter in mind has turned down almost completely it feels good to have this improved relationship with money and my purpose.” 


Have been tapping consistently for almost 4 years. Financially my life has changed. I don’t worry about money anymore. I have noticed I don’t think “ I should save that just in case” “I shouldn’t spend just in case”. My business has increased tremendously and even if I have to cancel a dog class due to weather I don’t worry about not getting paid. I just know that everything is okay. All areas in my life I am calmer and flow easier with life.” 


I can testify that tapping regarding finances DOES work. I was in a dead-end situation a year ago when I learned about tapping. It worked so well for panic attacks that I plunged into the tapping meditations on finances and abundance. After two or three months of tapping often on the subject, and releasing a lot of negative emotion around finances, I got really angry that my considerable skills were benefiting others (bosses, clients) more than they were benefiting me. It was that anger that flipped the switch for me to move forward, and a month after that I was self-employed, more than doubling my income without any negative side-effects. I’m still more stuck than I like, but everything about my life–no exceptions–is better now than it was before I started tapping!” 


I have never done any work on financial issues but have been Tapping on other issues to clean up things from my past. I have always lived paycheck to paycheck and now I’m retired it wasn’t much different. I did one little thing, changed car insurance so I could save $20 a month and then it was like floodgates opened. I found another $18 to save and then a way to become debt free in a few years. Now I have extra money, starting to have an actual savings. It all seemed to fall into place with very little effort from me so I keep wondering if tapping had a lot to do with it by keeping me more calm and open to possibilities?” 


And these aren’t just stories I’ve heard from others… I, myself, have experienced massive shifts in my own financial situation thanks to Tapping. 

I talk all about my own money story here, where I explain how I went from HUGE amounts of debt to financial security with the help of Tapping. 

Want these kinds of results for yourself? It’s time to put EFT for money into practice.

Your path to financial freedom begins here: Are you ready to start your journey of Tapping for abundance?

Tapping for money offers a unique and powerful approach to transforming your financial life from the inside out. By addressing the emotional and energetic roots of your money issues and reprogramming your brain for success, you can create lasting change that goes far beyond simple budgeting or financial planning.

Remember, true financial freedom isn’t just about the numbers in your bank account. It’s about cultivating a sense of peace, confidence, and motivation in your relationship with money. Through consistent Tapping practice, you can release old limiting beliefs, reduce financial stress, reprogram your brain, and open yourself up to a world of new possibilities.

Ready to take the next step on your journey to financial abundance? Try incorporating daily EFT for money sessions into your routine, focusing on your specific financial goals and challenges. You may be surprised at how quickly you start to see shifts in both your mindset and your financial reality.

And if you’re looking for more support on your Tapping journey, check out The Tapping Solution App. With guided Tapping meditations specifically designed for financial abundance and stress relief (and many other relevant topics!), it’s like having a money Tapping coach in your pocket 24/7.

Get Started For Free
Try the Tapping Solution App and lower stress in under 10 minutes
  • Instantly reduce anxiety and stress
  • Fall asleep faster and sleep better
  • Boost productivity, stay motivated
  • Relieve chronic or occasional pain
  • Release anger, find peace

Here are just a few of the meditations that are available to you in the app:

Remember, your financial future is in your hands. With Tapping in your back pocket, you have the power to create the abundant, stress-free relationship with money you’ve always dreamed of (and deserve!)

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner

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