
Tapping for Panic Attacks: Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Calm When Anxiety Strikes

Written by: Nick Ortner

Your heart pounds like a drum in your chest. Sweat beads on your forehead as the world starts to spin. Your breath comes in short, painful gasps. Thoughts of dread race through your mind: “What’s happening to me?” you wonder. If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you know this terrifying scenario all too well.

In moments like these, you’d do anything to find relief. Traditional solutions like medication can help in the short term, but they often come with unwanted side effects and don’t actually address the root cause. 

So imagine having a powerful tool at your fingertips that you could use anytime, anywhere to truly calm your mind and body during these intense episodes and even prevent future attacks? Introducing: Tapping for panic attacks.

Tapping is a powerful mind-body approach that combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology to provide relief from anxiety, stress, and yes – even panic attacks.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use Tapping for panic attacks, diving deep into the technique and providing you with practical steps to find calm when you need it most – so you have the tools to prevent or relieve a panic attack next time you feel one coming.

Understanding panic attacks

Before we delve into the how-to of Tapping, let’s briefly understand what panic attacks are.

Panic attacks are sudden, intense surges of fear, panic, or anxiety that involve physical and psychological symptoms. They can be triggered by specific situations or can occur unexpectedly. 

Common symptoms include:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Feeling of impending doom or danger
  • Fear of losing control

While the exact cause isn’t always clear, several factors can contribute:

  • Chronic stress: Prolonged periods of stress can make you more susceptible to panic attacks.
  • Traumatic experiences: Past traumas can trigger panic attacks, especially in situations reminiscent of the traumatic event.
  • Major life changes: Significant life events, both positive and negative, can increase the likelihood of panic attacks.
  • Family history: Anxiety disorders can run in families, so if you have a relative with panic disorder you may be at increased risk.
  • Brain changes: Certain changes in the brain may play a role in panic attacks.
  • Medication use or withdrawal: Caffeine, alcohol, and certain drugs can trigger panic attacks, as can withdrawal from these substances.
  • Cognitive factors: Catastrophic thinking or overthinking patterns or misinterpretation of bodily sensations can lead to panic attacks.

How Tapping works for panic attacks 

Tapping is a simple yet effective technique that helps regulate your nervous system, bringing your body out of the fight-or-flight stress response often associated with panic and anxiety.

The process works through several interconnected mechanisms.

Firstly, tapping on specific acupoints sends calming signals to the amygdala, the brain’s alarm center. At the same time, you’re also focusing on your feelings and acknowledging your anxiety. The process also incorporates other evidence-based psychological strategies like concepts from exposure therapy, making it a comprehensive approach to anxiety management. By engaging both your body and mind, Tapping can quickly shift you out of panic mode and into a more balanced emotional state.

As you tap and acknowledge your feelings, you’re essentially telling your brain, “I’m safe, even though I feel anxious right now.”

Research backs this up: studies show that just one hour of Tapping can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) levels by 43%. This significant drop in stress hormones may explain why Tapping can often provide almost immediate relief from the physical symptoms of anxiety and panic.

It’s incredible what a difference just a few minutes of Tapping can make. Our users report a 41% average reduction in anxiety after just 9 minutes when using our Releasing Anxiety Tapping meditation

Moreover, regular practice of Tapping can lead to long-term changes in how your brain responds to stress. Through neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to form new neural connections – Tapping can help your brain create new, calmer responses to situations that previously triggered panic or anxiety. It’s like retraining your brain to stay calm under pressure.

This makes Tapping for anxiety relief super helpful as a preventative measure for things like fear of flying, fear of the dentist, social anxiety, and more. 

Where to tap for anxiety and panic attacks: understanding the Tapping points

So, how can we use Tapping to prevent or relieve panic attacks?

Tapping involves using your fingertips to gently tap on certain acupoints on the body – some of the same points used in acupressure and acupuncture.

While there are thousands of acupoints on the body where meridians can be accessed, you’ll use a set of nine traditional Tapping points when doing EFT Tapping for panic attacks:

  1. Side of the Hand (Karate Chop) – This is the fleshy, narrow side of the hand on the side of the pinky finger.
  2. Eyebrow – On the brow bone where the eyebrows begin, closest to the bridge of the nose.
  3. Side of the Eye – On the bone directly along the outside of either eye.
  4. Under the Eye – On the bone directly underneath either eye.
  5. Under the Nose – The area directly beneath the nose and above the upper lip.
  6. Under the Mouth – This is the area just below your bottom lip and above the chin, right in the crease.
  7. Collarbone – Starting from where your collar bones meet in the center, go down an inch and out an inch on either side.
  8. Under the Arm – On your side, about four inches beneath the armpit.
  9. Top of the Head – Directly on the crown of your head.

Each point corresponds to different meridians in the body and can help address various aspects of anxiety and panic.

Now that you know where to tap for anxiety, let’s walk through the process. 

How to do Tapping for panic attacks: A step-by-step guide

When you’re experiencing a panic attack or intense anxiety, follow these steps to use Tapping to calm down:

  1. Assess Your Anxiety Level: Rate your anxiety or panic on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being the most intense.
  2. Create a Setup Statement: Acknowledge your feelings while accepting yourself. For example, “Even though I’m feeling this intense panic, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  3. Begin Tapping: Start tapping gently on the side of your hand while repeating your setup statement three times.
  4. Tap through the points: Gently tap about 5-7 times on each of the remaining points while focusing on how you feel. Follow this sequence:
    • Eyebrow
    • Side of the eye
    • Under the eye
    • Under the nose
    • Under the mouth
    • Collarbone
    • Under the arm
    • Top of the head
  5. Focus on Your Feelings: As you tap, focus on the physical sensations and thoughts associated with your panic or anxiety.
  6. Use Reminder Phrases: At each point, use short phrases to keep your focus, such as “This feeling of dread,” or “This panic,” or “This tightness in my chest.” Repeat these in your mind or out loud.
  7. Take a Deep Breath and Reassess: After completing one round, take a deep breath and rate your current anxiety level again.
  8. Repeat as Necessary: Continue tapping through all the points until you feel a reduction in your anxiety or panic symptoms.

For an in-depth guide on how to Tap, go here. 

Remember, there’s no “perfect” way to tap. The key is to maintain a rhythm and focus on your emotions as you go through the points.

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Tapping phrases for anxiety and panic attacks

The phrases you use while Tapping can significantly impact the effectiveness of the technique. Here are some examples of Tapping phrases for anxiety and panic attacks:

“Even though I feel this panic rising in my chest, I choose to remain calm and centered.”

“This anxiety feels overwhelming, but I am safe and in control.”

“My mind is overthinking and assuming the worst, but I choose to remember I am safe.”

“I release this fear and allow peace to fill my body.”

“My body knows how to relax, and I allow it to do so now.”

“I am stronger than this panic, and it will pass.”

To experience a Tapping meditation in action, follow along with me in this guided Tapping for anxiety session. 

When to expect results from Tapping for panic attacks

Many people experience some level of relief in minutes when they use Tapping for anxiety. For others, it can take repeated practice to notice a shift. 

Remember, like any skill, Tapping becomes more effective with practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. With consistency and patience, you may find that Tapping becomes an invaluable resource in your anxiety management toolkit.

And before long, you’ll find yourself breathing easier and feeling more in control – no matter what life throws your way.

Curious what it’s like to use Tapping for panic attacks? Here’s a first-hand account of someone who used Tapping to stop their panic attacks. And here’s a story from a mom who helped her 12-year-old son find calm in the middle of an anxiety attack.

Ready to try Tapping for your panic attacks?

Panic attacks and anxiety can be challenging to manage, but Tapping offers a powerful, accessible tool for finding relief. By combining ancient wisdom with modern psychology, this technique provides a holistic approach to calming your mind and body. It works quickly and is extremely effective.

Download The Tapping Solution App for free today to explore guided Tapping meditations specifically designed to help with anxiety and panic. 

Here are a few options to get started with in the app: 

Give one of these a try for free in the app
, and then leave me a comment below to let me know how it worked for you. 

Until next time… Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner

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