You’ve probably heard the Jerry Seinfeld joke:
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
I can just hear Jerry deliver it – so good! (And I just re-watched Seinfeld, start to finish. I’m telling you, it gets even better with age!)
Anyway… so… are you scared of public speaking?
When I speak in front of audiences and ask this question, a good 20% of the people there raise their hands.
There’s probably another 20% who are scared to even raise their hands – lol!
And then there are chunks of others who have various feelings like, “I’m not scared of it, but I don’t like it.”
Or they might have specific scenarios that they struggle with. Or they’re only a “little bit” scared, but that’s enough to stop them in subtle ways from creating what they otherwise might want in their lives.
But not to fear – Tapping can help! 🙂
I’ve seen it be utterly transformative on fears of public speaking! And to get you started, I’m sharing a Tapping Meditation today on “Releasing the Fear of Public Speaking”.
It’s my gift for you today because the world needs your voice!
I’ve even made it available for you to download and keep, so you can have it on your phone when you need it most, like before a presentation or speech. I don’t want you being nervous backstage, so I’ll be there to help out. 🙂

(I’ve also included the transcript if you’d rather read and tap along.)
And please do let me know of your experience using this meditation before your next presentation.
If you’re new to Tapping, and realize that NOW is the best time to get started, you can learn the basics in minutes here.
AND… my NY Times bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution,” helps you clear out the old baggage and mental patterns so that your voice can ring out loud and clear in the world! So if you haven’t already, you can pick up your copy here.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
P.S. Make sure to share this meditation with anyone you know who might need it. Whether this issue is a challenge for them, or if they have a big or small presentation coming up, they’ll forever thank you for it!
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