
Thanksgiving Gripes…

Written by: Nick Ortner

Oh…you wanted some juicy gossip didn’t you? Did you really think I’d air any gripes out to half a million people… haha! But seriously, I am BEYOND lucky when it comes to my family. I’m well aware of how extraordinary they are, how well we get along, how much fun we have together. Yeah, I’m bragging a little about it, cause they’re just great. Even my in-laws, traditionally a source of strife in our society, are fantastic.

And of course, we have our hiccups, usually around trying to plan where we are going, how much time we’re spending in each place, and so forth, but overall, I am so grateful, especially this Thanksgiving, for all of them.



OK, I don’t mean to gloat too much, because I FULLY understand that many, many people out there aren’t as lucky as I am when it comes to family.

I know family can be such a trigger, such a source for angst, but this Thanksgiving, perhaps start seeing your family as an opportunity to heal something deep within you.

Who haven’t you forgiven?

What resentment are you holding on to?

Who haven’t you opened your heart to? Loved…whether they “deserve” it or not?

What mistake have you made that you haven’t acknowledged? Apologized for? (Even if they made a mistake as well…and they haven’t apologized…you can do it, go first!)

What gripes are you bringing to the table this Thanksgiving? Can you let them go before the turkey hits the table?

Tapping is a simple and powerful way to let go of these events. It can be as easy as thinking of past Thanksgiving, thinking of past events, tension and strife, and tapping through the points to relieve the “charge” behind what happened.

Even if it’s just ONE thing, small or big, one little “gripe” that you let go of before Thanksgiving starts.

Now is your chance.

Heal. Forgive. Understand. Accept. Acknowledge. Let Go…

And of course…when you’ve cleared out some of the pain and heartache, in rushes a new feeling… of GRATITUDE. Feel the gratitude for experiences and lessons learned. For people doing the best they could with the resources they had. For where you are now, all the good in your life, all the good in the world.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving or stressed out about it? What can you let go of and heal?

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