I had the same recurring dream for literally 10 years until I finally figured out what was going on.
(sometimes I can be a little slow…lol)
In the dream I was often back in high school. Every single time I was playing soccer.
At first dreaming about soccer made sense. After all, my whole family loves soccer. We’re Argentine, (I was born in Argentina and moved to the US when I was 7 years old) and I’m not exaggerating when I say that the World Cup is an epic family event every four years.
Soccer has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. Why wouldn’t I dream about it?
As the years ticked by and the dream recurred, though, it started to seem weird.
I was in my late twenties, then early thirties, running a growing business, engaged, then married, then going to be a dad… and still dreaming about soccer?
I had to laugh the day I finally realized what the dream meant.
My subconscious mind had been sending me that not so subtle message—and it had taken me TEN YEARS to “get” it!
Soon afterward I joined a league and starting playing soccer every week. Sure enough, the dreams stopped. Just like that.
I think part of me knew I had to “play” more, to get out, to run, to sweat, to have fun, and since I wasn’t getting the message, the dream kept coming!
While recurring dreams aren’t always as straightforward as mine, they often contain some message that the subconscious mind is trying to tell us.
As fun as it is to try to decode dream symbolism…Like when you wake up and say, I dreamt that a white horse rode on a purple cloud and then my grandma was there playing the violin…ummmm…what does that mean exactly? Haha! Or when your dreams look like this:

1. Notice how you feel in the dream.
Which one or two primary emotions do you (or the character you become) feel in the dream?
The energy or emotion you feel can be significant. For me playing soccer had always been an easy way to feel carefree. Now that I have more responsibility in my life, my subconscious mind was reminding me to balance it out by playing more soccer. Great idea!
2. Notice how you feel about the dream.
Do you wake up feeling anxious about the dream? Excited? Afraid?
Since dreams often mirror reality in strange ways, acknowledging how your waking self reacts to the dream can be important also. If, for instance, you feel scared in the dream, but then angry when you wake up and think about it, that gap in emotional response could be useful information.
3. Notice how your dream relates to your life.
Are there any parallels between your dream and your waking life? Even connections that seem far-fetched can help to clarify what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you.
4. Consider whether your dream provides any solutions.
We tend to focus on the emotional sub-text of dreams, but sometimes dreams provide solutions.
Larry Page, founder of Google, reportedly came up with the idea for his search engine in a dream.
In the 1800s Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, had a nightmare about being taken prisoner by a tribe holding spears with holes near the tips. When he awoke, he realized that those spears were the perfect design for a sewing machine needle.
5. Remember that you’re not always (just) you in dreams.
Since dreams aren’t usually literal, remember that you may not be yourself in the dream. You may also be reflected in other people in your dream. Noticing how your waking self relates to the different people or characters can lead to useful insights.
For instance, if you dream that your partner is cheating on you, you might actually be your partner in the dream, as well as yourself. The dream could mean that you’re craving a little more freedom, but you’re scared that voicing that need might feel like a betrayal. The solution could be as simple as taking more time for yourself.
If you’re struggling to find meaning in your dream, try tapping on it! Tapping is a great discovery tool to figure out what dreams mean. Just tap through the points while asking yourself a question, and see where it takes you.
(if you’re new to EFT Tapping, learn the process for free here)
Tapping is also a powerful way to release the emotional charge of nightmares, even in children. Look out for a new children’s picture book from my brother Alex, “Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs”, later in the year, and this fall, an adult book from me, “The Tapping Solution for Parents” 🙂
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
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