
The Tapping Solution in Times Square

Written by: Nick Ortner

Something pretty cool happened recently…

The Tapping Solution had a billboard ad displayed right in the heart of Times Square in NYC for an entire week! 🌆✨

My sister Jessica, my brother Alex, and I had the incredible opportunity to go to the city, stand in front of the ad, and soak in the surreal experience.

But here’s where it gets even more special: On the day our ad first went live, someone sent us a video of a crowd of Argentinians gathered right underneath it, there to celebrate Messi’s birthday (he’s a famous Argentine soccer player)! 🇦🇷🎂

For those who don’t know, Jessica, Alex, and I were all born in Argentina and moved to the U.S. when we were kids.

Seeing our ad up there, with the American flag waving above and a crowd of fellow Argentinians below, felt like a beautiful wink from the universe. 

It was one of those magical moments that made us feel so grateful for our journey.

I just had to share it with you because your support has been such a big part of this adventure.

Thank you for being along for the ride with us!

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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