
When Doubt Creeps In Do This…

Written by: Nick Ortner


It’s an interesting feeling/emotion/way of thinking because it’s so relevant to virtually every aspect of our lives.

I want to change, but… doubt kicks in.

I believe I can do this, but… doubt kicks in.

I see a brighter future for myself, but… doubt kicks in.

Stop and think for a second… In what ways has doubt limited you?

In what ways do you doubt yourself and your abilities?

The Role of Doubt

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to improve your finances, follow your dreams, lose a few pounds, find that amazing relationship or improve your existing one…

When you allow doubt to play a role, it can be THE thing to stop you in your tracks.

The fact that it can be so subtle, almost makes it harder to deal with, because it just ever so slightly takes us off track from what we want in our lives, and sometimes we don’t even notice the damage it has done.

When I first had the inspiration to make the documentary film “The Tapping Solution”, it began, as most ideas do, with INSPIRATION.

Ahh…the rush of creating something in the world, the joy of expansion, of dreaming, of possibility.

And I rode that energy forward enough to make some bold decisions, buying $40,000 worth of camera equipment (while having literally no clue what most of it actually did!), putting together an amazing team of dedicated people, and setting off on this adventure.

But…at some point (and often many points), in every endeavor…


Can I really do this? Who am I to make this happen? Am I just going to repeat all my old patterns again?

The Critical Moment

These moments, RIGHT THERE… that PAUSE in inspiration where DOUBT kicks in… are the moments that separate success from failure.

Can you see it?

Can you see the moments in your own life where doubt kicked in, and you stopped, gave up, or subtly sabotaged yourself?

Maybe you’re experiencing doubt right now about a decision to make or a path to choose.

Can you feel and hear those nagging voices that doubt all that you are capable of being in the world, of contributing to the world, of experiencing in the world?

These moments, these subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) voices of doubt are the difference between feeling unfulfilled, letting your dreams fade away, and living a life of fulfillment, passion, contribution, and joy!

So What Can You Do?

Once we recognize how important it is to move past this doubt, once we understand how, if we master these moments and these feelings, everything can change for the better… How do we actually CHANGE IT?

Well, time and again, in the making of “The Tapping Solution” film, I had the great fortune of being able to USE Tapping to overcome my doubt!

Tapping works to literally retrain the brain, nervous system, and previous conditioning to act and react differently.

And seeing as the film was actually made, has sold over 100,000 copies, I’ve written a NY Times bestselling book that has been translated in over 30 languages and the message of Tapping is spreading around the world, I think it actually worked! 🙂

Now it’s YOUR turn. I have two options that might help you today: a shorter written Tapping Script below and a longer Tapping Meditation.

Tapping Script
Take a minute or two and think about something in your life where you feel doubt.

Be SPECIFIC. And if there are a lot of things, only focus on ONE right now.

Tune in to that doubt now, just for a minute, and give it a number for 0-10, 10 being the most doubt you can feel. Also, where in your body do you feel this doubt? Some people say it’s a feeling in their stomach or a tightness in their throat. Get really clear and feel the feeling… and let’s do some Tapping.

(If you’re unfamiliar with the Tapping sequence, you can learn it by watching this short video here)

This language is general because I don’t know your specific focus, so can use this as a template and replace your words where appropriate, or just follow it exactly.

Most importantly, tap and focus on the feeling!

Karate Chop: Even though I feel this doubt in my body, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Karate Chop: Even though I feel so much doubt, here I go again… I deeply and completely accept myself.

Karate Chop: Even though I doubt I can do this, I’ve got so many experiences that tell me otherwise… I deeply and completely accept myself.

Eyebrow: All this doubt
Side of Eye: Here it is again
Under Eye: I’m doubting myself again
Under Nose: And whether I can do this
Under Mouth: I’m not sure I can do this
Collarbone: Never done it before
Under Arm: And I’m not sure if I can
Top of Head: All this doubt in my body

Back to the eyebrow point… keep focusing on the feeling and also pay attention to what else comes up for you, specifically.

What previous events, emotions, or limiting beliefs are surfacing?

You can tap on each of those individually to get to the root cause of your doubt.

Eyebrow: This doubt in my body
Side of the Eye: It’s such a familiar feeling
Under Eye: And it stops me cold
Under Nose: I wonder what it’s really about
Under Mouth: I wonder what’s behind it
Collarbone: I wonder what this doubt means
Under Arm: And what I can do to change it
Top of the Head: This doubt in my body

Now we’re going to switch to doing a positive round of tapping.

Quick note regarding positive Tapping: One of the most common questions I get is, “How do I know when to switch to the positive tapping?”

And the most simple answer is, “Switch when you can say the positive statements, and they feel somewhat “true”.

If you’re saying positive statements and there’s a little part of your mind that is yelling “BS! You don’t believe this!” then it means you should continue with the negative or “truth” tapping until that shifts.

So back to the eyebrow point…

Eyebrow: It’s safe to release this doubt from my body
Side of the Eye: It’s time to let it go
Under the Eye: I choose to let this doubt go
Under Nose: Letting it all go now
Under Mouth: Letting all this doubt go
Collarbone: Releasing all this doubt from my body
Under the Arm: Flooding my body with positive expectation
Top of the Head: And releasing all these feelings of doubt

Take a deep breath… and let it go.

Now tune back in… Where is your feeling of doubt on the 0-10 scale?

How does your body feel?

What’s shifted for you?

What else came up during the tapping?

Did a specific memory, thought, or belief fight its way in?

Use the tapping on those specific issues and keep clearing!

Here’s a free short Tapping Meditation: “From Doubt to a Seed of Hope”. If you find it helpful, please comment and let me know below!


Master these moments of doubt, and the world is at your fingertips! (Tapping pun somewhat intended!)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. For hundreds more Tapping Meditations, try our Tapping Solution App!

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How do you feel after doing this Tapping? Comment below!

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