Adventures in Happiness Podcast

with Jessica Ortner

New York Times Best Selling Author Jessica Ortner take you on a journey to explore strategies and ideas to help you feel your best. Life is an adventure, and it would be boring if it was always perfect and predictable! Jessica shares how to find your bliss within all of life’s complexities.

All Episodes

Episode 23

Cancer: New Hope and Healing

"You have stage 4 cancer," these were words that established writer, Mary Elizabeth Williams never thought she'd hear. With slim hopes of survival, she w... Tune in!
Episode 22

How Mistakes Lead To Your Success

Listen to this intimate conversation with mindbodygreen founder and CEO, Jason Wachob as he shares his journey starting from corporate america to finally... Tune in!
Episode 21

How YOU Can Travel The World!

Many people think traveling is only for the super rich. You’ll learn how you can travel on any budget, the best ways to get deals and tips to be a great ... Tune in!
Episode 20

Happiness: How it Actually Works With Neil Pasricha

Work hard, be successful and THEN be happy! It’s an old model many of us have been taught, but New York Times bestselling author Neil Pasricha discover... Tune in!
Episode 19

Your Power to Heal with Heather Dane

Known as a 21st century medicine woman, Heather Dane shares her knowledge from her Native American roots. In this candid conversation she shares wisdom o... Tune in!
Episode 18

The Art Of Quitting

Focusing on what you desire is powerful but ineffective if you don’t make space for that desire. How can you quit something to set yourself up for someth... Tune in!
Episode 17

Recovering from Self-Help Exhaustion with Danielle LaPorte

Self-help can too often turn into self-punishment. If you feel like trying to improve your life has simply left you exhausted and more confused, tune in!... Tune in!
Episode 16

Your Healthy Brain with Dr. Mike Dow

We often focus on creating a healthy body but what does it take to have a healthy brain? Dr. Mike Dow shows you how to illuminate brain fog so you can th... Tune in!
Episode 15

Dancing with your Desires: From Frustration to Pleasure

When we have a desire at first it feels exciting but when it isn't achieved in our time frame or if we see others achieving it before us, often that same d... Tune in!
Episode 14

Finding Your Flow with Steven Kotler

Feel your best and perform at your best by getting into the flow. The flow state used to seem elusive and mystical but Steven will show us how we can cre... Tune in!

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