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Lola Bahri

Contact Information
Oakland, CA
Phone: 510-717-5604

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Session Type
In Person

Offering sessions in English, French and German.

Lola Bahri helps clients bring about the changes in their lives they are yearning to make. She believes in playing the game of life to win and feel fulfilled. She helps her clients reach their potential by working through their blocks – limiting beliefs and fears, money and performance issues. She specializes in financial well-being, the law of attraction, success, sports performance, weight loss and smoking cessation.

To learn more about Lola please visit her website:

Lola Bahri

EFT Practitioner
Oakland, California

Lola has an M. A. in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Holistic Health. She is a Life and an Authorized Tapping Into Wealth Coach, AAMET Certified EFT level 3 practitioner, Matrix Reimprinting  practitioner, and a certified hypnotherapist. She also holds a certificate in Sport Psychology.