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Natasha Haddad Bsc(Psych)

Contact Information
4B Raht place Doonside NSW 2767
Phone: 0403713941

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Session Type
In Person

Natasha Haddad Bsc(Psych) is a Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher, Intuitive Energy Healer and Practitioner of: The Completion Process, Reconnection and Reiki, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting.
Natasha conducts private sessions facilitating this deep healing work, holds women’s empowerment workshops for community organisations, Monthly Goddess circles & retreats and is The creator of ‘MindWarriors’; a mindfulness based stress reduction program that helps public school students and teachers learn empowering skills to positively change the classroom environment.

Natasha Haddad Bsc(Psych)
EFT Practitioner
New South Wales, Australia


Bachelor of Science (Psychology) - USQ

EFT & Matrix Reimprinting - EFTMRA

Completion Process Certified Practitioner - Teal Swan

Reconnective Healing - Dr Eric Pearl

Also level 1 & 2 in both Seichim Reiki, Usui Reiki

Your psyche & spirit and are in safe hands. Over 18 years of spiritual growth, learning and teaching.

Extensive training with spiritual teachers and shamans