Phone: +33 663 18 5161
Joelle Amouroux-Huttner has helped her clients find stress relief in the midst of chaos, peace in the midst of change, and emotional stability in a world where nothing ever seems to be enough.
She helps high-performance people value themselves highly enough to say “no” to pressure and “yes,” to a balanced life full of meaning and purpose.
“My mission is to help you thrive – not survive – despite the pressures of our modern-day, fast-paced business world. The goal is freedom, fun, and more than a little joy.”
With her numerous certifications and expertise in leading therapies, Joelle has helped hundreds of clients from around the world. But Joelle doesn’t have a “one-size-fits-all” approach as many other coaches do.
Each new client she meets becomes the center of their own journey, and the process she takes them on is always intensely personal.
Joelle’s Credentials Include:
- Advanced EFT practitioner, Matrix Reimprinting, Intention Tapping, SET and more.
- Trauma Aware trained (TOOT 2.0 certified)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT (Certified)
- EMDR psychotherapy for healing from past traumas (Certified)
- Advanced NLP (Certified)
- Robbins-Madanes Life Coach
- ICF associated coach.
- Numerous appearances on famous podcasts and blogs worldwide
- Over 8 years as a successful executive/professional coach
- Highly educated MBA with over 10 years as an executive in Pharmaceutical companies
Joelle’s Story Of Overcoming Burnout
10 years ago, Joelle was another cog in the corporate machine at a large pharmaceutical company. Like many of her clients, she dreamed of one day accomplishing enough in her career to “finally”…
- Have a life outside of work
- See your family and friends
- Take that vacation
- Get some much-needed rest
- Go back to “normal”
But she found that day never came. She pushed herself to work harder every day to chase an elusive sense of accomplishment that, like a mirage, always continued getting further away the harder she ran.
Finally, she hit the rock bottom of complete and total burnout.
Joelle’s first client… Was herself.
In the process of rebuilding her life, she discovered the therapies she needed to heal past traumas and deal with current stresses. She now uses her own personal experiences to help others find their confidence faster.
Joelle’s greatest sense of purpose comes from helping people all over the world through the same journey she took. Only just faster.
Joelle is bilingual (French and English) – She meets her clients online or over the phone which allows her to help people from all over the world.
“Nothing makes me more proud or gives me more joy in life than seeing my clients spread their wings and experience the freedom that a life of fulfillment and balance can give them. Watching their entire lives change before their eyes… That’s my biggest accomplishment.”
Visit for more information about how to connect.
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