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Alison Morris

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Minneapolis, MN

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At Full Potential Parenting I offer stress relief to struggling parents, particularly parents of challenging children who are struggling with stress, reactive emotions, and secondary trauma. Whether your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attachment Disorder, a Learning Disability, a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Early Developmental Trauma, or anything else, dealing with these children on a day-to-day basis is exhausting and highly stressful. They need you at your best, but when you keep getting triggered by your own past, being the therapeutic parent you want to be is impossible.

EFT offers a way out of the negative cycle of reactive emotions and feeling victimized by your children, by helping you release your own past traumas, negative beliefs about yourself, and your fears of the future.

I offer individual EFT sessions, group tapping classes, and an innovative approach to helping our children heal: group surrogate tapping classes. Give yourself the gift of healing yourself so you can help your children heal.

Alison Morris
EFT Practitioner
Minneapolis, Minnesota

I am in the process of becoming Intermediate Practitioner-1 certified through EFT Universe. I am myself the parent of a challenging child, and am founder and host of an internet teleseminar series called Full Potential Parenting, offering information and inspiration to parents of challenging children. I am also the author of the forthcoming book: "Stress Relief for Struggling Parents: Using EFT to Become the Parent you Long to Be."