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Jade Barbee

Phone: 802-376-6413

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Jade Barbee is an EFT Trainer and Advanced Practitioner with AAMET International. He trains EFT Levels 1, 2 and 3 independently and for the Newtown Trauma Relief and Resilience Project (in partnership with the Tapping Solution Foundation and

In his professional practice, Jade specializes in helping people use EFT to successfully disarm complex personal issues – especially those relating to self-esteem and trauma (allergies, chronic physical issues, relationship to work/money, etc.). His approach is holistic and designed to meet you “where you are,” so you can find relief and get back on the road to where you want to be. He also mentors practitioners who want to build their skills and offers an EFT Certification program in association with AAMET International.

Jade Barbee
EFT Practitioner

EFT Trainer (AAMET), 4 years EFT Practitioner, 8 years (Certified since 2010) Tutor (Technology Solutions, EFT), 15 years AAMET Training Board since 2011 AAMET Accreditation Panel since 2013