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Lisa Nichols

Contact Information
Concord, CA 94518
Phone: 9259809477

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Session Type
In Person

Imagine finally getting that big project done for your business – and it was easy.

Or kicking that sense of overwhelm to the curb and feeling focused… confident… excited.

Or even doing that thing that you struggle with – following up with leads, sticking to a schedule, posting to social media consistently, planning and time blocking – with NO resistance.

That’s totally possible for you. And how do I know?

Because those are real-life results I’ve gotten for myself and my clients using EFT tapping.

As a business momentum coach, I’m wild about helping business owners create the business they dream of.

When you’re stuck or feeling resistance — whether it’s around starting or completing a project, getting the word out, or addressing a difficult problem — I help you drop the resistance, break through the wall, and just get it done.

I help you find limiting beliefs and work with you to eliminate them so they never stop you again.

My Why

Becoming a coach and building my business has been one of my most challenging undertakings. It brought up all of my doubts, fears, and self-judgments.

I struggled to get my business off the ground. I looked for the answers through more and more webinars, resisted the very things I knew I needed to do to get clients, hid behind all the “to dos” rather than taking actions that would build my business, doubted that I would ever be successful.

I learned that starting this business wasn’t just about learning how to coach or do EFT tapping, or using my project management and business analyst experience from decades in the corporate world.

It was also about changing the stories I tell myself. It was about finding the confidence and the inner knowing that were buried under the stories. It was about letting go of the self-doubts and past trauma that had me spinning my wheels.

Perhaps you can relate? If yes, I’d love to help you find the joy and success that you long for in your business.

Lisa Nichols
EFT Practitioner
Tapping Into Your True Self
Concord, California

  • Certified EFT Practitioner
  • Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner