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Myrette El-Sokkari

Contact Information
47 Road 79 Maadi
Phone: +201223276738

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EFT released my Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2009 

EFT helped me with the inflammation and constant pain.   Yes I was on medication, but I was still in pain, felt incapacitated, lost my hair, and my eyesight was blurry from the side effects, and I felt awful, and was grieving my life to come.

I decided to train professionally in 2010, and Iwas privileged to train under Gwyneth Moss who is one of the original EFT Masters trained by Gary Craig the founder of EFT. I have also studied with Karin Davidson and Karl Dawson who are also EFT Masters. Since 2014 I am one of the few EFT International Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner and Master Trainer and Mentor, and EFTMRA Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. 

I help clients Bust their Blocks, (Limiting Beliefs, Emotions, Fears, Traumas),  so that they release/delete their Core Limiting Beliefs that are stopping them from creating the life they desire, and being Healthier, Wealthier and Happier. 

I  have  over 15 years of experience in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting working  with thousands of happy clients since 2010, from almost all the Arabic speaking and English Speaking countries including  USA, UK Australia, New Zealand, France, South Africa, Switzerland and others.

I have created several programs, which have led to me being featured repeatedly on National and Private TV and Radio, and on a number of international tele-summits, such as the leading US summit for healers; From Heartache to Joy for my Quantum Wealth, and Quantum Freedom sessions and programs.

I am also specialized  in Surrogate Tapping and have created Quantum Freedom Sessions which are done for you and are very powerful.

After doing the sessions on your challenges you will have more clarity, feel lighter and find your self taking actions that support your goals, whether its your career, business, healthier habits, relationships and feel empowered.

I specialize in Money, Health, and Happiness

Sessions:  English or Arabic, over zoom or face time

Below find my Programs which are delivered as one and one sessions

Quantum Wealth System

Change Your Beliefs Increase Your Money

Change Your Relationship with Money, Increase Your Money

Yes to Money

Unlock your Success

I am Enough

Release Physical  Pain Using Your Body’s Natural Powers  

I LOVE My Body Body:  Weight Management and Body Confidence

Let the Sunshine In: Positive No Matter What

About Me

Graduate of Economics with B.A.and M.A. from American University in Cairo. I worked for 30 years as an economic and financial, advisor.

My rheumatoid arthritis in 2007 led me to discover EFT in 2008, and that started my journey with introducing EFT in Arabic and awareness in the region.

I am a mother of 2 wonderful people, a son and daughter, and I have a kind lovable dog named Junior and I live in Cairo Egypt.

To know more about me check this :

EFT International Advanced Practitioner 2011 EFT International Master Trainer and Mentor  2014 Matrix Reimprinting.Practitioner  2015.