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Trish Dennison

Contact Information
714081 RGE RD 74 County of Grande Prairie No 1 T8W 5J8
Phone: 7807662911

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Session Type
In Person

For over twenty two years Trish Dennison of Mindworks Inner Connections Health Center has helped hundreds of parents and their children make peace with life’s stresses from conception through infancy, toddler and all the way to teenage. A family is a growing dynamic of individuals with their own particular needs through the different stages of life. Trish helps with simple, self- empowering tools and practices the whole family can benefit from.

I founded Mindworks Inner Connections Health Center in 1991 offering my services in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Family & Child Coaching, Health & Life Style Consultation, Self Esteem Elevation classes, Fire walking. I recently added ‘Tapped in Parenting’ workshops to support their healing and the teachings in my book “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Can Hurt Forever; A Message from the Children in My Chair”

As we practice EFT and release the triggers and reactions to that which no longer serves us, we attain a more peaceful state of mind, an acceptance of what is and a better ability to flow with daily stress instead of being a victim of distress, ill health and broken relationships.

Trish Dennison
EFT Practitioner
Offering sessions via; In Person, Phone, Skype, and Face Time

Personal practice with EFT has helped me release fears, doubts, guilt, shame, weight and a few bad habits along the way, just to name a few. For me it is the ultimate in "A softer Gentler Way" and continues to benefit my clients and their families as they learn to play along. EFT Training: I started my studies and practice in 1998 with Dr. Roger Callahan and Garry Craig in 2006 ultimately joining The Tapping Solution in 2011 and this year added Pro EFT with Lindsay Kenny. I continue to learn from the Masters and my Mentors and strive to walk my talk in every way.