The Tapping Solution Podcast

with Alex Ortner

On The Tapping Solution Podcast we share information, strategies, tapping and at times inspiring interviews, all to help YOU live your best life!.

All Episodes

Episode 17

Tapping With Prison Inmates

I was so excited to get an email from Martha, a prison nurse. She shared some remarkable information on how she is using Tapping with inmates in prisons and the positive results she is seeing both in her own life and the lives of the prison inmates.... Tune in!
Episode 16

What Tony Robbins Taught Me

Tony Robbins needs no introduction, but if you’ve just arrived from Mars or perhaps are joining us from a country that just got an internet connection (it’s possible- the world is expanding at all times!), Tony Robbins has been known for the past thirty years as an inspirational/motivational spe... Tune in!
Episode 15

Overcoming Procrastination - Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner

In this tapping meditation, we will overcome a common block to productivity – and that’s procrastination. Even if it is a task or project we want to do, even one we enjoy, getting going can be challenging. Instead of getting started, we make a phone call, check social media, start laundry, work ... Tune in!
Episode 14

Quieting the I'm Not Good Enough Voice - Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner

If you are new to tapping, visit our website to learn the basics of this process before doing this tapping meditation. In this tapping meditation we will be tapping to overcome that voice in your head that most of us face at some point. The voice that tells you, ‘You are not enough.’ You may hea... Tune in!
Episode 13

From Overwhelm to Calm - Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner

Have you ever had one of those days where the "To-Do" list seems endless? Where the demands on your time and energy are constant? Where deep down inside, some part of you is begging for some calm, some peace, some release from the feelings of overwhelm you're feeling? If so, you're not alon... Tune in!
Episode 12

Dr. Christiane Northrup Talks With Jessica Ortner About the Power of Tapping, Beliefs and Your Body

Jessica Ortner recently sat down with Dr. Christiane Northrup as part of the pre-launch celebration of the 7th Annual Tapping World Summit and what Dr. Northrup shared is simply stunning. Dr. Northrup is the best selling author of a number of groundbreaking books, from "Women's Bodies, Women's Wi... Tune in!
Episode 11

Change is Possible with Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution

Do you believe that...You can be happy? You can be healthy? You can feel fulfilled? You can experience daily love, peace, kindness and joy? Do you have something deep inside you that longs for more from life and more from yourself? The reason the answers to these questions are controversial is... Tune in!
Episode 10

Connect to Your Creativity - Tapping Meditation

Are you feeling uncreative, unable to think of new ideas and don't know what to do to change? If you would like to change this pattern and reconnect to our creativity please listen and tap along with this Tapping Meditation on "Connecting to Your Creativity", and see if new ideas and creative energy... Tune in!
Episode 9

Resistance to Exercise – Tapping Meditation

Are you trying to start the New Year by exercising more and finding yourself busy doing everything else to avoid having to exercise? We all do this from time to time and if you want to change this pattern please listen and tap along with this Tapping Meditation on "Resistance to Exercise", and see h... Tune in!
Episode 8

Louise Hay Talks Tapping

In this Podcast Nick Ortner taps with Louise Hay as she shares how to use Tapping to allow forgiveness, love and self-acceptance into your life...  She'll also share with you her personal struggle with growing up and feeling that she wasn't good enough and will open up about how certain past emot... Tune in!

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Follow the producer of the Tapping World Summit Nick Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the host of the Tapping World Summit Jessica Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

Follow the producer of the Annual Tapping World Summit Alex Ortner on Facebook or Instagram!

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